Disclaimer: I dont own the art.
In this au......
Pidge is a gymnist, she is friends with Allura who is one of her classmates in her gymnastics class and school, and Hunk as her coach.
Lance is a figure skater who is friends with his sch...
"You can do this Pidge" Allura whispered to herself, giving her a thumbs up as she watched from the sidelines.
Pidge took a deep breath, and began to run. Pidge soon jumped and made the perfect summersault (did I spell that right?) In the air. Finished with the perfect landing.
"Nailed it" Pidge said cracking her knukles as if it wasnt a big deal. "Pidge that was amazing!" Allura squealed as she gave her a hug.
"Allura is right, that was impressive" Coach Hunk said approaching them "Since the competition is near we gotta be ready so rest up"
Allura and Pidge were just packing thier things getting ready to go.
Allura: Pidge, did you know that we will be going up against the figure skaters?
Pidge: Yeah, thats why we gotta up our game. You know those skaters.
Allura: Do you think there would be any hot guys?
Pidge: They would melt the ice with thier hotness. You know I dont do boy talk.
Allura: Yeah but I do!
Pidge: *sigh* I dont have a dream type. No guy is worth my taste.
Allura: Stop being so salty Pidge, you will find the right one soon. Whether you like it or not.
Pidge: doubt it, I mean I never had a crush in my life.
Allura: Pidge, destiny picks for you
Pidge: I just dont get love. Its so.............. complicated.
Allura: Not everything is easy. And you know that.
Pidge: do I. Yeah, lets get going
Lance was effortlessly, skating gracefully around the ice rink. While Keith was taking off his skates on a bench around the sides.
"Practice is over Lance" Keith reminded in his usual lifeless tone. "I know, I just wanna have a litte fun" Lance said as he passed by him.
"Its not a problem to have a little fun every once in a while" Coach Shiro said coming up to Keith.
"Yeah, when the competition is close!? We are up against gymnists." Kieth reasoned.
"Yes, but Keith, remember our goal is to do our best, win or lose" Shiro said walking away. Lance smirked and stuck his toungue out and continiued to skate. And Kieth just bitterly headed to the doors.
Back to the gymnist's POV.......
They are currently leaving the studio and heading out. But what they mean by studio is a big gymnist paradise.
"So do you have any plans?" Allura asked as they walked out. "Nah, just wanna head to Starbucks to get some stuff" Pidge answered. "Ok, I'm just gonna head home, or hangout with Romelle" Allura said back. The two waved goodbye as soon as they left the building.
(Time skip to Pidge at Starbucks)
Pidge opened the glass door to the amazing smell of coffee. Starbucks, her place of comfort. Though today seemed pretty busy.
The tables were full but suprisingly, no lines. Pidge ordered her usual drink and went on to find her table.
She went looking for a table but the only one witha free seat was with this cuban boy, with earphones and a hoodie. And she didnt really have a choice.
"Um hey, is anyone sitting here?" Pidge asked trying to be less akward. "Oh um, no you can sit" He offered.
Pidge sat down and sipped her coffee. There was an akward silence and if you know Pidge, she hates akwardness.
"So um.......... You have a name?" Pidge asked putting down her coffee. (Akwardnesss still increasing)
"Lance, you?" "I go by Pidge but, I'm Katie"
Lance: Cute names, Pidge is your nickname?
Pidge: yeah, everyone sorta calls me that now, except my mom.
Lance: well they call me sharp-shooter
Pidge: Oh yeah? How?
Lance: I am a video game master!
Pidge: wanna bet? Five bucks if I win.
Lance: sure! What game?
Pidge: Killbot fantasm 1!
Lance: Your on!
After a short talk at starbucks, the two built up a small competition.
They both headed to a nearby arcade and the contest is on!
After a series of pushing buttons and fighting monsters, the winner was eventually announced.
"Ha! Winner!!! gimme" Pidge braged putting out her hand for Lance to hand her, her prize. Lance gave her the money and watched her shove it down her pocket.
"Wanna have fun?" Lance smirked. "Do I? The park!" Pidge yelled as she ran for the door with Lance following behind.
(Timeskip, they are at the park)
After the madness that Lance and Pidge had been through in the arcade, they decided to take a break at the park.
So far they are laying down, bare-footed on the grass. "Hey Lance?" "Yeah Pidge?" "Wanna see a trick?"
"Why not" Lance said as he sat up. Pidge got up and performed a cartwheel.
"Cool, but not impressive" Lance said in a mischieveous tone which Pidge found cute.
"Oh yeah?" Pidge said back (Just one of these)
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Pidge cracked up at the sight of his face. And Lance liked that, she was cute when she smiles.
"Did you like that?" Pidge said smirking. "Amazing! How did you-" Lance said but was cut off. "Secret" Pidge said with a wink.
They have been talking for a while, and something......... began to build up. Freindship of course. But to Lance it ment something else. He had a small crush.
They talked until they lost track of time. Pidge checked her phone........ 5:29
"Oh my quiznack I'm dead!" Pidge said as she took her bag and made a run for it. "Mom is gonna kill me! BYE LANCE!" Lance heard her yell as she ran. "Bye!!!" Lance yelled back.