I like you too

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Pidge was shocked! (Or shook). Lance came back and Pidge didnt bother to close the book. She just stared at the page with a wild beating heart, sweaty palms, and a red face.

Lance sat down and chuckled at her funny yet adorable reaction. Pidge droped the hesitation, closed the note book, and looked at him. Her eyes glimmering like they came from an anime, came to contact with his dreamy, shining, handsome, amazing, shimmeri-.................

Me: Lance did you change my script!?

Lance: Maybe


Lance smiled and waited for Pidge to ask one of the many questions she had in mind. But nothing but the old anime face showed.

"I'm going home Katie" Lance said as he kissed her on her forehead and left her with his note book.

(Timeskip to Pidge at home)

Pidge went home trying to look as if it was a normal day. But of course, she came home late without an excuse.

"Hi mom" Pidge said trying to sound normal as she opened the door. Her mom was of course silent, she didnt really mind Pidge coming home late any more since it happened so early.

Pidge marched up to her room and closed the door. Switched on the light to reveal the usual messy bed with a cat casually sleeping on it, unusually clean. She just assumed that her mom fixed it.

Pidge opened her back pack and took out the note book and hugged it to her chest. She sighed before sitting on her bed. She had a bajilion things on her mind. She was having a silent panick!

"He likes me! I like him too! He's asking me to go on a date with him on saturday! Should I like him back? Dammit I liked him before he confessed! What if he hates me? He frikin confessed how could he hate me! Shit what should I do!" Were some of the things rushing through her mind.

She needed help. She needed some who was experienced or knows this kind of stuff. Totally non of her parents, but what would they say about this..............

She looked at her phone and wanted to contact Allura. Allura is great with love stuff. But it wasnt really a good idea to tell her yet.
So she just waited till dinner time.

(Timeskip to dinner time)

Pidge had planned out how she was gonna blurt this out to her family. But of course, with situations like this, her plan was a dud.

"Mom, Dad, Matt" Pidge started "please dont kill me"
"What did you do?" Matt said narrowing his eyes at her, which was a common, yet threatning gesture.

"Well, do you remember that boy I told you about?" Pidge asked
"Yeah, Lance right?" Matt said still glaring at her.


Pidge: He..........uh..............sort of.....kinda........

Matt: Katie?

Pidge: He............

Matt: He didnt kiss you did he!?

Pidge: What the!? No! He confessed

Colleen: *gasp*

Matt: He what!?!? What did he confess?

Pidge: He likes me, and I like him back.

Colleen: Aw my little Katie has a boyfriend!

Pidge: Mom! And he sorta asked me out on saturday.

Matt: He did what! Oh he is not messing with my sister!

Colleen: Matt! What do you think Sam?

Sam: Hold on Katie, we have to meet him first.

Pidge: I'll tell him


Meanwhile at Lance's house.......

"Mama, papa, I did it" Lance said clamly at the dinner table.
"Did what?" One of his elder sisters asked.
"I told her"

"Your did what!?" His brother, older by one year exclaimed.
"I did it, She was speechless" Lance said still acting like it was no big deal.


5 yr old brother: Tell her what?

Lance: I told her I liked her.

18 yr old sister: Does she like you back

Lance: I hope she does.

15 yr old sister: The frick!? You dont know if she likes you!?

Mama: Quiet miha, no cursing at the dinner table. I am proud of you son. My little miho finally has a girl friend.

Lance: mama, she's not my girl freind.

18 yr old sister: You confesed

Lance: I'm in between friend zone and love zone so chill.


Lance and his family are just talking over Pidge. Though it wasnt soon before they finished and Lance walked up to his room.

Lance flopped onto his bed and grabes hi phone. Again planning to have a little chat with Pidge.
And when he just turned on his phone..........

1 message from ♡Katie the bird♡

(Litteral)CHAT MODE

Pidge: Hey Lance

Lance: Hey, you beat me.

Pidge: To what?

Lance: I was gonna say hi first.

Pidge: ha. Anyways I have a tiny wittle problem.

Lance: You spelled *little* wrong.

Pidge:😑😑😑 I know......

Lance: whats the problem.

Pidge: My parents want to see you.....

Lance: Oh, same thing with my parents.......

Pidge: plan?

Lance: Your the nerd here.

Pidge: you meet my parents tomorrow after school, and your parents the other day.

Lance: Sure

Pidge: Night

Lance: Sweet dreams.


Pidge put down her phone and turned her head to her messy desk, Where the green note book was. Pidge got up and took out a blue pen. And began to scribble in calligraphy and hearts......

I love you too Lance

Voltron Plance AU (A Bit Of Kallura Too) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now