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"Why wouldn't you stop her?!" Jack yelled at Miko. "She could be killed!"

"Caitlyn made this choice on her own" Miko looked at Jack with a stern face.

Caitlyn left a day ago , Miko never thought to ask how she would come back or even if she could . All these questions that should have been asked now spiraled in Miko's mind.

"We've got to tell Optimus " Raf looked up at Jack with worry.

Miko looked at them shocked , she forgot to tell the Autobots. She forgot about them!

"Caitlyn needed to find out some stuff . She'll come back . " Miko spoke with uneasiness in her tone.

Jack took his phone out and called the Autobot base, Raf watched as Jack paced back and forth.

"Ratchet its urgent , we need a bridge or something." Jack spoke quickly.

Within seconds of hanging up n a bright glow shined against the area . Jack and Raf walked through first , while Miko hessitated before finally walking through.

"Caitlyn is where?! " Ratchet looked at the humans.

"Are you certain she is on Megatron's warship? " Optimus asked with a calm down.

Jack only nodded , glancing at Miko.

"How did she even get there?" Arcee looked at Bumblebee .

Miko looked up , taking in a deep breath before she could talk .

"She contacted Megatron" Miko felt all eyes and optics look at her.

"Miko do you know how she got there and what is going on?" Optimus kneeled down so he was closer to her .

"Yes. Caitlyn wanted to know more about Dark Energon , and she knew Megatron is the only one with information on how she can hear him and why he did what he did. " Miko looked at the ground " I could have stopped her but I didn't"

"You made this choice for a reason and you felt it was the best thing to do . " Optimus stood " We rescued Caitlyn once and we shall  do it again"

Miko smiled , glancing at Jack and Raf . Both didn't smile nore change their expression , it stayed the same disappointed way. Miko's smile faded as she looked away.

'Please Caitlyn be careful ' Miko thought to herself. As guilt tugged at her heart.

Optimus looked at Ratchet  "If Megatron did allow Caitlyn aboard the Nemesis. He might use her against us , locate the War ship and track it. In case our human friend needs help. "

Ratchet nodded , and began to work.  Optimus glanced at Miko , who looked at the ground.

"Caitlyn made this choice and we will be ready to help her if she needs it"

"You're allowing to stay there?" Arcee questioned.

"Caitlyn deserves more answers then what you were able to give her. I do not blame her for turning to Megatron" Optimus nodded.

"Miko" he waited till she looked at him "Do not blame yourself , we will find Caitlyn and rescue her."

Miko nodded , but didn't believe him. She could never forgive herself if Caitlyn had gotten hurt or worse.

Caitlyn looked up at Knockout who ordered her to remain still. He scanned her once more after about six times. When he finished scanning he walked over to the data pad and looked over the information.

"It's not my fault. "

"Pesky humans. Megatron why have you allowed this human aboard the warship?" Starscream looked over to the warlord.

"I think I should ask the same question. Why allow this stiletto heeled cry baby on this warship" she felt anger bubble up inside her.

Knockout let out a short laugh and she saw that Megatron smirked. Starscream stormed out of the med bay.

"Why are we doing this again?" Caitlyn looked over at Knockout.

"To ensure that the Dark Energon truly did transform to your DNA. " Knockout didn't look away from his work.

'He reminds me of Ratchet' she frowned.

Leaning back against the med berth she yawned. "Well while you are doing that I'm going to rest my eyes" 

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