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Arcee and Steelfrost watch Knockout and Breakdown run quickly  towards the bridge. With little thinking they transformed and followed after them and through the bridge as it closed behind them . Steelfrost transformed while Arcee drove off they had a made a plan; that she wished they would have thought of more. Steelfrost could remember some of the places and ran through the halls. She could hear Starscream she felt fear in her spark , rushing onto  the nearest room she sighed as the doors closed behind her; keeping her back on the wall looking up she lost her calm breath.

"What a surprise Frosty" Megatron smirked at her with a surprised expression


Steelfrost couldn't breathe anymore as the space around them grew smaller and smaller.  Looking up at him she couldn't figure out how he got so close.

"I ug- I" She shuddered

"You came for your precious prime" he paused for a moment before smirking "Of course you won't be getting what you want. But I think I can arrange that" his optics skimmed her up and down.

Steelfrost looked at him with a confused expression.

"What are you talking about?"

He guided her face to his and Steelfrost optics widen when Megatron kissed her; rough and forceful.

'no I'm still a human! This isnt right' she screamed  through the bond as she clenched fist.

Megatron broke the kiss "You are very much a Cybertronian and my spark mate"

"No!" She tried to push but he pinned her wrist to the wall.

Working a kiss along her neck and jaw line.  Steelfrost tried to break free but something chained them to the wall she looked up at stasis cuffs. Megatron smirked as he  nipped at her neck . While strong servos held her waist. She could feel herself heating up and didn't understand what her body was doing. Was rape even a thing in the Cybertronian world? She couldn't think, couldn't breathe.


Megatron cut her scream short by grabbing her neck cables squeezing hard; cutting her airway as well.

"Shut up" he growled.

Steelfrost sunk into the wall the best she could. Trying to sink away from Megatron.

'please Megatron don't do this. You can't do this '  she spoke through the bond.

He let her neck go and proceeded to lay gentle kisses and nips along her neck. Steelfrost couldn't focus on what her body was doing , and how to get away from Megatron at the same time. She felt what she could tell from she was becoming aroused by this. Interfacing with Megatron? Is that what she wanted? She couldn't think straight and she began to feel between her legs moisten. She felt Megatron's Servo go lower. She felt embarrassed that she would be aroused from his simple touches.

"Megatron no please" Steelfrost found it hard to catch her breath.

"Open your port."

She looked down and quickly up. "What? I-I don't know what that is"

Megatron's face remained bewildered. Steelfrost felt embarrassed once again. But also angered at the same time.

"Sorry if I wasn't raised on cybertron and I don't know what the Frag is going on! Sorry your highness that I don't know what you want. First you want you want to kill me; then interface. For the love of primus Megatron let me go! I'm not going to be your personal slave." She growled the words.

Megatron still seemed surprised but he then chuckled and then erupted into laughter.

"Oh I'm glad you find this so funny! Please enlighten me on what's could be this funny?" She had a biting edge to her voice.

"My dear Frosty; still not getting into your new self? I'd figured with all those mechs around you; you would have already figured out everything"

"Oh so now I'm a slut? Or whatever the frag you call them on Cybertron. Really nice of you to call your supposed spark mate that" she could feel herself growing more angry by the second.

"For the love of primus Steelfrost. I know you have interfaced with any mech’s" he paused "I would have known this"

"Because of the bond?" She looked up at him.

He nodded. A silence fell between the two and Steelfrost shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. She tried to adjust her wrist but Megatron gripped them both in one servo. He looked at her closely. Steelfrost watched him; trying to figure out his next move. But he did nothing, only looked at her. Steelfrost sucked in a breath when he moved closer but then let it out when he rested his forehead to hers.


He cut her off when he pressed his lips to hers. This time it was gentle. His servos cupped the sides of her helm, and she found herself kissing him back. She enjoyed the gentleness and her spark warmed.

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