Two Enemies

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Steelfrost noticed Megatron began to fall back, she looked at him. She found it strange that he seemed to be looking around. He looked at her and they held the stare at each other until Steelfrost ran into Optimus. If she were still human she would be as red as blood. Optimus looked between her and Megatron , before he continued to walk. Steelfrost mentality slapped herself as she grew embarrassed and stood there. Megatron walked to her side and smirked down at her.

"What happen Frosty? It can be dangerous if you don't keep your optics looking forward " he teased.

"Shut up" she growled .

He chuckled lightly as he walked past looking around. Steelfrost was to busy self loathing to realize the new objects flying towards them until they were almost a half a foot away. Transforming her hands into a gun and a blade as she began to shoot and cut away at the new attackers. The team and Megatron worked together to cut and shoot away at the attackers. Steelfrost heard someone mention that they were a version of antibodies to expel them. Bulkhead almost fell off the edge holding onto the edge. She tried to make her way over but to many of the antibodies blocked her path. Bumblebee was trying to help him up and soon lost his grip with  .  In the blink of an optic Optimus had began to hauling him up. Soon returning to fight Steelfrost watched Megatron and him work together so well . With no way to make even a small dent into the antibodies they all ran . Megatron stopped at a wall , and him and Optimus walked through while the others worked to keep the antibodies at bay. They faught for what seem like hours but only minutes Steelfrost felt agonizing pain from Megatron's side causing her legs to give out and her to scream in pain. Arcee rushed to her while the Mechs continued to fight. Steelfrost struggled to stand but each wave after wave of pain made her knees buckle down. Soon the pain seized and the antibodies fell to the ground. The door that was once locked now opened , Arcee and Bumblebee then helped her to her pedes. Rushing in , relief washed over Steelfrost when both of the mechs were unharmed. Her spark dropped when Optimus looked up at them like he didn't know them.

"Megatronous who are they?" Optimus questioned

Megatron looked at the Autobots then at him. "Are sworn enemies hurry while I hold them off"

Steelfrost yelled in anger as she ran after them mainly at Optimus. She then tackled him to the ground pinning him while she straddled his hips.

"Optimus! You know us! Please yo-"

Megatron grabbed her yanking her off and to the floor. He looked at her as he erged Optimus up and through the base.

"I will come back for you Frosty " he smirked.

Steelfrost quickly scrambled to her pedes running at the Bridge that closed just as she reached it. Was Optimus tricked into believing he was a con? No! He couldn't! Shaking while clenching her fist tightly as tears hit the ground.

"No" she whispered "Optimus"

She stood up quickly and looked at the others "we gave to find a way to help him"

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