Chapter 8 - Shred of Hope

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08:20 – Day 2

It turned out sleeping on a tiled floor in a cold, abandoned building, was not the most comfortable thing in the world. By the time morning came, Petra was about just as tired as she was the previous night.

She had managed to get a few hours of uncomfortable sleep, which had helped bring down her headaches for a while. But for the majority of the night, Petra had sat at the measly little fire, every now and then adding new planks to keep it going.

The sun was up outside, and the fire had finally burned through all the fuel Petra could find in the gas station. She peered out of the window, scanning the surroundings outside. It seemed to be an okay day, the pale grey sky clear of any clouds. Perfect.

Petra turned away from the window, stiffly walking back over to where her burned out fireplace was. She knelt down on the ground, pushing everything into the backpack she had found. At least she had food to last her a while. She'd be able to make a plan for water once she reached the cabin.

Petra hesitated slightly, considering going to get the two remaining cans of sardines and beans. She still hadn't eaten anything, but she knew she would have to soon. And she didn't know whether there'd be food at the cabin, or how long she'd be stuck there.

Petra stood up, still holding the backpack. She slowly walked through the empty rows of shelves, in the direction of where she killed the wolf.

Trying very hard not to look at the dead animal, Petra reached for the two cans. It was odd for Petra, to feel guilty over something she had killed. After all, she used to hunt for her food before the Wither Storm incident. Then again, she killed wild cows and chickens... never wolves.

As soon as her fingers wrapped around the second can, Petra shoved it into the backpack, getting to her feet and quickly striding away.

She stopped at the large doors of the gas station, once again intensely scanning the sky. It was still grey, not exactly clear. But a few dim rays of sunlight were shining down, only a light breeze blowing. Probably the friendliest Petra has seen the place's weather.

Taking a deep breath, Petra swung the bag onto her back. She reached up, brushing away the annoying strand of red hair that was dangling in her eyes once again. It was the main reason she always preferred to wear something on her head.

Petra subtly glanced down at her injured arm again. Her jacket's sleeve was rolled down over the bandaged wound. It was still quite sore, but as long as she didn't put strain on her arm, it was fine.

"Let's do this." Petra muttered, heaving open the large doors.

She immediately shivered as she stepped outside. The building may have been cold, but she was realising just how much warmth it had provided. Petra walked onto the open road, her eyes scanning the surroundings. To her right were the hills, littered with snow-covered fir trees. To her left was the drop off, below it stretches of clear snow as well as what looked like a frozen over dam or small lake. And then of course, the wooden cabin in the distance.

Petra frowned, narrowing her eyes. Either she was seeing things, or there was a thin trickle of smoke rising from the house's chimney. Was there actually somebody there?

"Only one way to find out." Petra mumbled, turning away and beginning to walk down the road.

She hoped that her assumption was correct, and that it did indeed snake down at some point. She was not about to risk breaking a leg by climbing down to the lower level. Petra shivered slightly, wrapping her arms around herself as she walked. Was the wind getting stronger, or was she just being a wimp? At least she wasn't in as much pain as the previous day. Tired, but completely conscious of her surroundings.

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