Chapter 9 - Unsettling Discoveries

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09:15 – Day 2

The blizzard was continuing to rage wildly outside, the wind howling around the corners of the cabin. Snow was piling up around the building, proceeding to come down in flurries from the sky.

Petra's eyes were slightly closed as she sat in front of the fireplace with Jesse – who she found out was actually pretty sick – lying down beside her, resting her head on Petra's lap. Jesse's eyes were half-open, her gaze resting on the fire place. She had properly come to her senses again, and was really quite embarrassed for her actions earlier. She could have gotten herself killed.

Jesse glanced slightly up at Petra, who's eyes had fully closed as she relished in the heat from the flames. She was still struggling to take in the fact that the two of them found each other.

Like her, Petra had clearly been through a lot as well. While Jesse couldn't see any injuries on her, other than blood in her hair from a wound at the back of her head, she could tell that her friend's had a tough time as well, visibly worn through.

"Petra?" Jesse asked softly.

Petra's eyes opened, blinking a few times. She looked down at Jesse who was still resting in her lap.

"If you're not feeling well, you can sleep." Petra said to her. "I know this isn't the most comfortable position, but at least we're starting to warm up again."

"It's not that." Jesse said, weakly pushing herself up on her elbow so she was sitting beside Petra. She subconsciously rubbed her arm.

"What's wrong?" Petra prompted gently.

"How did we get into this situation?" Jesse asked her, almost desperately. "Because when I woke up yesterday, I had no clue where I was, or what the hell happened."

Petra sighed softly, pulling a hand through her red hair. "So you don't remember either..."

"What?" Jesse asked in a puzzled voice.

"You're not the only one with a bit of amnesia, Jesse." Petra said. "I also don't have a cooking clue of what's going on here. It's like the past few weeks are just..."

"-gone." Jesse finished Petra's statement softly.

For a second, they were quiet. Petra scooted slightly closer to Jesse, wrapping an arm around her friend's back. Jesse returned the gesture, the two of them silently offering their support to each other.

"Where did you wake up?" Petra asked Jesse curiously.

"Not far from from the cabin, on the other side of the frozen lake." Jesse explained softly. "If I wasn't as close to it as I was, I.. I don't think I would have made it. I think I might have some fractured ribs, and my shoulder feels busted as well. And then, there's these unexplained claw marks on my face, and I still have no clue what gave them to me..." Her voice trailed off.

"Could have been a wolf." Petra thought out loud. Jesse raised her eyebrows slightly, giving Petra an expectant look.

"I was chased by three of them, shortly after I woke up." Petra said. "I'm still trying to take in the fact that I actually managed to get away... unscathed." The lie came almost on instinct for Petra, not wanting to worry Jesse about the bite on her arm.

"Damn." Jesse mumbled under her breath. "You were actually chased by wolves? And I thought I had it bad..."

"Well, on the bright side, I found this." Petra said, reaching over and pulling the backpack closer.

Jesse pretended to let out a sigh of relief, placing a hand on her chest. "You found it, now that explains things. I was wondering why Petra the warrior was carrying around a pink bag."

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