Chapter 14 - It Started as Just Another Day in Beacontown

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16 Days Before Incident

The light breeze outside managed to nudge Jesse's curtains open just enough for a thin stream of sunlight to shine into her room, directly onto her face. Woken up by the unwelcome light, Jesse let out a soft groan, turning around in her bed and burying her face into her pillow.

She realised it had to already be pretty late, considering that definitely was not an early morning sunray. But then again, when did she actually get in bed? 2 AM that morning? 3 AM even? Probably closer to 4 AM...

Jesse let out a muffled groan through her pillow, trying to work up the courage to haul herself out of bed. A light headache had already settled in her forehead, making her desire to get up even less.

Finally mustering up the courage, Jesse pulled back her blankets and slipped her feet off the bed. She swore she could still hear the beat from the previous night's music, beating in her ears.

It wasn't as hot of a day, which Jesse didn't find odd at first. Getting dressed in a breathable long-sleeved shirt with her signature overalls on top, Jesse finally began trudging down the stairs. She could still hear snoring behind some of the doors, a sign that she wasn't the only one who slept in a bit.

"Well, look who's finally up!" Lukas greeted Jesse as she entered the kitchen. He was busy fixing up what looked like eggs on the stove.

"Morning to you too." Jesse mumbled, sinking down at the table beside Olivia, who she almost didn't notice.

"Yesterday's party was something, huh?" Olivia said, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"That it was." Jesse agreed, stifling a yawn. "I'm questioning how Lukas over there looks so full of energy."

"Might have something to do with the fact that I stayed on the calmer side of things yesterday night." Lukas replied casually as he sat down at the table with his breakfast.

"Hey, we did stay on the calmer side of things." Jesse argued, waving a hand at him. "At least in comparison to Petra and Axel, we did."

"Why don't we get breakfast?" Olivia asked, completely ignoring Jesse's statement as she stared at Lukas's plate of food.

"Lunch." Lukas corrected with a chuckle. "Not my fault I had already been making it by the time you two woke up."

"So..." Jesse vigorously rubbed her tired eyes to wake herself up all the way. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Productivity starts tomorrow." Olivia replied matter of factly, getting up from her chair to go refill her glass of juice. "Today, I just want to sink into the couch with a good book."

"With you on that one." Lukas responded as he took a bite of his food. "I can't think of better way to get the new year going."

"I'll join you two on that." Jesse said, grinning. "I'm not returning to the office for at least a while. The paperwork usually doesn't come flying in until the end of January, so Radar and I can take a bit of a break."

"Oh, speaking of." Lukas said, fishing something out of his jacket's pocket. "Radar dropped this off this morning. It's a copy of the photo he took at the party yesterday."

"Oh, it came out good." Olivia said, leaning over Jesse's shoulder to see the picture as well. "Definitely a keeper. Don't get your fingerprints on that before I can frame it!"

"Won't touch it." Jesse responded with a chuckle, getting up as well and walking over to the fridge to get herself a glass of juice as well.

"Kinda chilly today." She remarked, taking out the milk instead to make some hot cocoa.

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