C H A P T. O N E

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C H A P T. O N E

- Poles Are Not For Hugging -


"Skylar, what on Earth are you doing?" My best -and only- friend, Delilah, asks me.

"Oh, you know, just hanging around... on the floor...doing some butt clenching for the fun of it!" I roll my eyes sarcastically, "Now help me up, bitch." I grin from the floor up at Deli which, by the way, is her much loved nickname made by yours truly because Deli thinks that the name 'Delilah' is embarrassing which is very untrue. I happen to think 'Delilah' is a very interesting name.

She lets out a huff before extending her hands out towards me and I grab them willingly, pulling myself up and dusting off the dirt that had accumulated on my butt from when I had tripped not moments before.

"Sky, you never cease to amaze me." This earns her another eye roll from my direction.

"Oh please, I can deal with the fact that that I may or may not have tripped up on LITTERALLY nothing and fell on my beloved behind. But what I cannot and WON'T deal with is the fact that Queen B for Bitch has been spotted near us with her ever-so-cute minions. Let me tell you: I am no weather lady but clearly there is a forecast today of most-definite idiots with a certain chance of mental pain." I tut inwardly to myself- damn hormonal teenagers!

"Right back at you there, Sky."

Now, I've had many near-death experiences when passing these poor girls with brushes glued to their eyeballs; perfume is my sworn enemy. I cant even begin to count how many times I have choked on the sweet, sweet smell that they so obviously bathe in every day.

Anyway, enough negativity from me- I'm perfectly happy with my important role in this school. Currently, it is going well for me in my role of literally not having a role. It's glorious, really. It's the best position for me to be in quite frankly and the perks of this 'role' is that I am never involved in any of the drama that seems to take place on a daily occurrence.

"Sky, hello? Anybody in there?"

I look back at Deli and give her a cheeky grin, "Nope! Sorry but Sky has gone out for some food and is therefore unavailable at the moment- please come back later or leave a message after the beep."

"Okay then, the message," she says, suddenly with wide eyes making me frown with confusion, "Is that you're about to walk into a pole."

Wait, what? I turn my attention quickly to my surroundings to suddenly be hit by something long and thin and very cold.




A metal pole stares me in the face as my forehead bounces straight off it.

"Seriously!" I clutch my forehead, silently cursing the pole for being there without my permission, "I mean, really? When did they put that there?" I accuse the pole in my peak of embarrassment.

A quick glance around tells me no one saw a strange girl walk straight into a pole and accuse it for being somewhere it shouldn't. The coast is clear.

"Anyway," I continue walking, "as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..." I frown.

"Wait, what was I saying again?" Suddenly my friend grabs my arm and is dragging me to some unknown destination- you call this friendship, Deli?!

"Deli, where are we going?"

"My dear friend, this is school. We're going to only places we can go. Class." She rolls her eyes, dragging me away to wherever our next class is, because we're going to be late if we don't hurry the heck up.

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