C H A P T. S I X

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C H A P T. S I X
-All my life I thought air was free... Until I bought a bag of chips-
"Oh so you're Skylar Jamison. I was wondering who that was." Says Mark. By the time my brain got over the fact that this douche was my study buddy, Markas, I managed to sit down and have a civil conversation with him. Or so I thought.

"Yeah, we're study buddies now: partners in crime as they say." I try and smile to make myself seem more appealing to this strange dude in front of me. I say strange because his personality so far is questionable. Very questionable.

"Partners in crime? Nobody says that, Sky. I can call you that, right Sky?"
I drag out a huff from the very depths of my soul and my eyes roll in my state of annoyance, "I mean I guess so. We are supposed to be study buddies which usually means the task of friendship hence we should just get on well with each other to not create a fuss." He looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"By the way, Sky," Mark starts slowly, "Don't you think it's funny how the universe made us meet so many times already and we just so happen to be paired together as study buddies?"
"No, I don't think it's that funny. If it were, I'd probably call it more of a dry sense of humour." I contemplate before letting out a slight laugh.

"And what do you mean by 'so many times' we've bumped into each other -like- twice. It's not that many times considering how small of a population this school has." I sort of remember the first situation in which we met. I think i bumped into him in the hallway and told him he had nice eyes and d I could borrow them sometime, to which he replied with a snicker. Hence me calling him by the name Mr Snickers.

(Flashback to first* meeting)

I bounce out of my chair and skid to a stop at the door, milliseconds before the bell sounded, signalling end of boredom and the start of my courageous and most-definitely-awesome exit to all of mankind.

Or so it would have been, had I not smacked into someone outside the door when I turned through the door. My plans, yet again, ruined. Typical.

For the second time today, I find myself with my butt on the floor and goodness knows when they cleaned these things, because as far as I know and as far as the floor knows, it was most definitely not recently. Dusting myself off, I count all ten fingers to see they're still there and fully functioning in the way that they should. No broken bones, phew. Can't say the same for bruises, though...

Once I had finished assessing myself along with my most-definitely-bruised-butt, I looked up at the chest that had made my poor bottom high-five the floor for the second time today.

Well, at least I can say that it wasn't a bad-looking chest if I say so myself. My eyes move upwards and I blink at a strangely familiar face.

"Nice pair of eyes you have there. Mind if I borrow them sometime?" I grin, totally forgetting that this guy was the cause of my butt-pains a few moments before. The guy gives me a funny look before snickering.
(End of flashback)

Ah yes, I remember now. That would have been a really great exit too!
The other time that I bumped into Mark must have been... Today. And I think that's it.

(Start of second* flashback)

Halfway to my destination, however, the world decides that my plans to get to the cafeteria shall be temporarily delayed.

Delayed by some guy texting and walking without looking at his surroundings.

This means that little ol' me eating a sandwich and trying to make sure I don't run into any more poles this week, walked straight into him. Or rather he walked straight into me!

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