Getting Noticed

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A/N: Picture of Mia ^^^

My hair was still wet from the shower and I walked slowly across the room to the computer when I heard a ping!  

"Hey, love the bio quote by the way"  

I shook my head, chuckling softly, I didn't get messages like these often.  


I cringed at my message realizing how curt it actually sounded, how else was I suppose to respond? I stood up briefly prepared to wipe my hair with the towel.  


"I'm Riley by the way"  

My mind scanned through the list of girls at my school, there was no way I could remember all of them. There were some girls who acted as if they were disgusted by the world, which are the ones who aren't worth getting to know. I clicked on her profile, glancing at her profile pic. She was cute, your average blonde girl who kind of had a nice smile. Something about her message wanted to make me reply back.  

"I'm Munro, I don't usually get messages about my qoutes you know."  

I could picture her laughing or act somewhat charmed by my charism. I think I've actually seen her around school with her friend. She - Riley- always seemed to be walking around with her brunette friend, who I've heard is one of the smartest girls in school. My brain didn't seem to wrap around some piece of information about the brunette girl, it made me feel weird, having the thought of her best friend in my head longer than the girl I was talking to.  

"Yeah, I was kind of taking a chance on that one."  

I laughed besides the fact of her nervousness splattered across that one message. Instant messaging was great. There was no one to lie to and no one to lie to you.  

"Well that was a brave option of you then =ØÞ" I typed, hoping to come off as brave and funny. What was wrong with me? Why did 2 messages get me so worked up for a girl I barely even know.  

"Um, I might have had some backup on that option. She just wouldn't shut up until I texted you."  

I laughed, she seemed different from all the girls I've texted to. They all were too flirtatious and caring of what I said though Riley didn't seem to care if I liked it or not. Messages pinged and I didn't even bother to dry my wet hair anymore.  

Mia's POV: 

The messages kept being sent back and forth last night and in the turns of the event, Riley prevented me from going home and I ended up sleeping over. Of course sleeping over meant texting. Which meant staying up till 3 am. Which leads to me craning my neck through my 8:30 classes.  

"You will each recite what you know from your 5 chapter reading last night" the teacher began, gesturing behind him at the poster of the book we were reading called Percy Jackson. He knew we were a bit too old to be reading it for a class discussion but nevertheless he put it on our list as it was his favorite childhood book.  

Crap! I forgot to read it last night! I was too busy texting Munro to remember, which left a weird feeling in my stomach because I never ever forgot homework. What was happening? I fumed a little at Riley for making me stay up so late and panicked as each student began giving their speeches. This was going to give a bad impression. What do I do? What do I do? Use the bathroom when it's nearly my turn?  

"Mr.Dasher! May I use the bathroom?"  

He nodded, hesitant as we weren't supposed to be out and about right when we got to school. I took the hall pass and walked slowly, practically sprinting as I got near the bathroom, relieved at my clever thinking. I didn't stop to notice a person in front of me, colliding with them on the floor.  

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I breathe out the words in a rush, praying that I didn't knock them dead.  

"Yeah. I'm okay." He rubbed the back of his head and I looked into his hazel eyes and realized that I was still ON him. He must've caught me when we fell. I blushed, brushing myself off.  

"Sorry about that, I'm a bit of a klutz."  

He chuckled, signaling that it was okay and not a thing to worry about. "You seemed to be in a bit of a hurry? Do you really need to pee that badly?"  

His teasing made me squirm and I realized that I had dropped my pass on the floor. With one graceful moment- or what I hoped was graceful- I swept the paper up and gave off a calm exterior. "Um I don't need to go anywhere. I'm just in a bit woozy" I replied, giving off a gist of the awkward situation. He put up both hands as if surrendering and muttered an apology.

 "Well thank you very much for that. I hope I don't see you around anytime soon" I huffed, escaping the hallway and into class. 

Yes! It was the person right behind me's turn and it looked like they didn't do their homework. Score one for Mia, now let's see how many points I can actually get in this world.  

A/N: Super short chapter but hopefully I'll get to upload soon. Like, follow, and vote please!

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