Chapter 4

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Back on the ship. It was a small scout style type this time with basically just a pilot, one engineer and the two of us. I could have flown that thing myself, but our sergeant insisted we need a pilot. I am guessing he didn't believe my head was completely fine. At first I thought it was going to be a bigger expedition with multiple ships to get back such an important relic, but sergeant decided we had a bigger chance if only a small speedy ship went on the mission. Our goal was to locate the place Tennos took the relic to and get it back. As simple as that. But I knew it was going to be anything but a simple mission. I knew Tennos all too well. 

I didn't tell Nort all the truth about me and them. I was basically raised by them. A kid raised by a pack of wolfs, you might say. After my dad was executed by the council for not obeying their orders and loosing about half a dozen of council's luxurious corvette ships, my mum decided she had enough of Phobos's hospitality and paid a local smuggler to get her and her newborn to Mercury. We have been attacked by Grineer's about half way there. They killed my mum, but she managed to put me into one of the escape capsules and program it to land on Mercury. I still have her last recorded message before she hit the release button that sent me out on my way. There was about 0.001% chance I would survive that flight. Still bigger chance than surviving after Grineers would find me on the ship though. And I survived. One of the Tenno's ships has caught my capsule and took me in. I lived with them on Larunda Relay for 5 years. They became my family. But I always felt I was different from everyone else around me and that troubled me, even if they always treated me well. I wanted to leave, to travel, to see the worlds, to explore the universe. So as soon as I could I applied to get hired as an assistant to a merch ship that was exchanging goods between different worlds, mostly Earth and Venus, but occasionally Mars and rarely Phobos. And I met Nort on Mars in one of the local awful bars called Drown Kittie. I have never asked how they came to that name, but maybe I should have. I was young and stupid. When on places like these, my fun was to get drunk and get into an arm wrestling fight with the locals. Nort was one of those guys, except when he lost he didn't try to kill me, but invited me to see a Lunaro match instead that was held that weekend. I couldn't go, because my ship was leaving the day before, but we agreed to go some other time. And we haven't since. I kept coming back to that place though and we became friends. 

It was his idea to join Corpus Freedom Alliance, a very noble name for a company that paid a bunch of mercenaries to do various jobs, from deliveries, guarded escorts to straight up assassinations. But it was well paid, sort of exciting and it took you to various places too, so I was in. We stuck together until this convoy guarding mission we just screwed up. And here we are, on another mission to save the, not really. But we liked to pretend we do much more honorable work than we were actually doing. Yeah, silly, I know.

An alarm woke me up from my thoughts. "What's happening?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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