Chapter Ten

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It was early morning and the RK900 was assigned to cook breakfast. The task was easy for the android, brewing the coffee and making pancakes.

A second later, Connor walked out of his room. Smelling the food throughout the Anderson household.

"Good morning, Connor." The RK900 greeted as he saw the RK800 walked to the coffee machine and made himself a cup of it.

"Good morning, Nines." Connor greeted back, scratching his messy hair.

"What time did you slept last night? You look sh*tty today." The taller android teased, flipping the half cooked fluffy pancake on the frying pan.

"I slept around 4 am last night." The brown eyed android replied and drank his coffee. "I have a sh*t ton of paperwork to finish."

"I see." Nines nodded and placed the food on a plate. "You should maybe wake the lieutenant."

"Yeah, and Nines?" Connor looked at him and he hummed a reply. "Have you already fed Sumo?"

"Yep, I did. He's in the garden right now, running around." The RK900 replied.

"Okay, thanks." The smaller android now went to Hank's room, going to try to wake the old man up.

A few minutes later, Nines sworn he heard the lieutenant's annoyed voice and he can't help but to chuckle. Connor must've slapped him to wake him up.

"You can wake me up without slapping me, Connor." Hank sighed.

"You didn't responded to me, Hank. So you left me no choice." The brunette answered.

"Whatever.." He sat on the dining table and Nines served him a cup of coffee. "Thanks, Nines."

"You're welcome." The android smiled and sat between the two.

"Any agendas today?" Hank asked and took a bite of his food.

"We need to check on Larry William's case again. I think the accident that cause his brother's life was intentional." Connor replied. He sighed loudly, rubbing his eyes trying to wake himself up.

"Yeah, we need to make an autopsy to his brother's body." The lieutenant added and looked at the RK800. "Are you okay? You look like you played games all night."

"No, I just finished some piling paperwork last night." The brunette answered.

"Don't worry. After this, we'll get our day off." Hank chuckled. "What about you, Nines? How's the case?"

"Detective Reed questioned the suspect again and he told him about a warehouse where they put some stolen android parts." The RK900 answered and finished his meal. "We're going to check on that place today."

"Be careful." The gray haired man said with a worried tune. "Don't split up, okay?"

"Why not?" The tall android titled his head.

"That's how people die in horror movies." Connor added.

"Correct." Hank nodded in agreement. "See? Connor knows."

"You two.." Nines chuckled softly. "Don't worry much, we'll be fine."


"We're here." Gavin slowly parked his car beside the abandoned building. The RK900 nodded and got out of the passenger seat.

The place was straight from a horror film. A run down warehouse that half of its roof looks like its gonna fall apart. The surroundings was taken over by nature. As trees grew throughout the area, vines covered the wall and tall grass took the ground.

"This place looks like it would collapse in any minute." The RK900 scanned the area to see if there was any threats, he found none.

"Let's make it quick, I have a game event to participate later night." Gavin sighed and started to walk towards the broken down building while the android wearing a turtle neck followed.

The men entered the premises with extreme caution. Making sure the coast is clear.

"Detective, are you sure this is the right place?" Nines muttered to Reed.

"This was the given address. And we don’t have much of a choice, this is the only lead we got." The detective replied as a few curses were mumbled after.

The warehouse they entered was cleared out. Not even a single furniture was found on the large clearing. But the two noticed a corridor on the left side of the building, leading to another big establishment.

The human gestured the android to follow him. The RK900 obeyed and both men entered the said corridor. They walked and noticed a single door in the end.

"Get behind me." Gavin instructed as he ready his handgun.

"No, it's too dangerous. Let me in first." Nines disagreed.

"You're too stubborn for a toaster." Detective Reed frowned. "I'll be fine-"

"I will not allow you to go in first." The RK900 insisted. "Get behind me, now."

"Oh for phck's sake.." The human mumbled and got behind the android.

"Detective?" Nines froze as he was still holding his gun.

"What again?"

"I sense motion behind the door."

"People? How many?" Gavin sighed. This is gonna be a rough day.

"Around five and..-"

"Put down your weapons or we'll shoot." A group of armed men cornered the two police officers in the hallway.


Ahh thank goodness I actually updated this after this chapter was already on draft for a week.

I think I wrote this on the early stages of this story before. But yeah, it has undergo to major editing.

See ya next chapter-

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