"Umm...... "

Harold looked between me and other me. His eyes wide and his jaw dropped. "Okay... There's only one explanation for this" Harold said rubbing his chin as if there was a beard there.

"You have a twin sister and now one never knew" Harold said nodding with his decision.

"No Harold I told you she appeared on my top bunk bed this morning when you got here. All you've been doing is rubbing your chin and saying the same thing over and over again!" I yelled waving my hands in the air before rubbing my face frustrated.

"Really?" Harold said and turned his head confused.

"Yeah she's not lying" Other me said. "Oh.... Well... Grace I need you to tell me what happened from last night to now" Harold said clapping his hands together.

"Which... Which one of us? " I asked gesturing to me and other me.

"Grace with the short hair" Harold groaned.

"Oh... Well, after I finished talking to you I talked to me dad and he sent me to coffee express--"

"Oh they have the best cinnamon rolls ever" Harold said cutting me off. "Oh yeah they do, but I really like their donuts" I said smiling.

"Back to the story!" Other me said rolling her eyes.

"--oh right, okay so I went to coffee express, but it wasn't there, I tried every map app every but it didn't work, so I went into the place were where the coffee shop was suppose to be, which was a magic shop, and there was this dude and he was weird and he gave me a wish and... " I said trailing off stopping..

"And" Other me and Harold said at the same time.

"And I wish that there was more of Me so I can have time to myself?" I said which came out more like a question.

"You what!? " Other me said jumping up from the bed.

"I thought it was a joke" I said my eyed wide in realization.
"Your always suppose to take wishes seriously!" Harold yelled.
"Well I don't mean to toot my own horn but, TOOT TOOT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT TIL JUST NOW!" I yelled back.

"CAN WE PLEASE STOP YELLING!!" other me yelled.
We stayed quiet for a second.
"Okay, grace, you need to go to that shop and reverse the wish" Harold said breaking the silence.

"Okay" I said nodding walking over to my closet putting on some sweats over my shorts.

"Harold you say here and watch.... Other me, I'll go to the coffee shop and get some answers" I said.
They nodded in agreement. I was about to walk out of the room before I was stopped.

"Wait grace, where's your dad?" Harold asked. I turned around. "He said the meeting he had yesterday was an success and they went straight to Florida in the morning" I said before heading out of the door, then out of the house.


I looked up at the place were the coffee shop was with confusion. The windows had boards on them and some of the letters in the word 'coffee express' was gone making it look like 'cof_e_ _xp_res_'

This place looked abandoned and old, like its been closed for years. "Excuse me" I said stopping a tall looking lady from walking. "Um... How long has this place been closed?" I asked pointing up to the coffee shop. "Um... A good year and a half" She said before going back to walking.

"How?" I asked myself shaking my head. This place was just open last night and now it looks like it's been closed for years. I was about to walk away but then the door blew open. I jumped and looked around to see if anyone else saw that to, but people were just walking passed like they didn't just see the door to the abandoned coffee express open up.

 "oh wow, this just became a horror movie, like an actual horror movie" I said to myself as my feet started walking towards the open door. "what's happening, my are my feet moving like this, stop moving feet" I told my own two feet. MY legs stopped moving and I jolted forward. I almost fell on my face but I caught  myself. I took a breath and sighed. but then out of no were it was like the gravity grabbed me. And it was like I pulled into the store. 

"This is poltergeist on a whole knew level." I whispered to myself slowly getting up. I looked around the store that was once filled with magic toys. everything was still in here. The one that was different was that there was dust everywhere. And  there were sheets covering the bigger things.

I slowly started walking around making my way to the front counter. The only thing that caught my eye was The shiny silver bell on the counter, I looked around to see if Anyone was around. I don't know what took over me because I lifted my hand and ringed the bell. The sound of the bell ringed in the whole store. the ring was loud. It felt like when I ringed it everything shook. I looked down at the counter and was surprised when there was a sheet of paper with  writing on it. 

I slowly picked it up and started reading...

'Hello Grace. If you have come back because there is another version of you, Don't worry. See last night you made a wish that there were more of you so you can have more time for yourself if I'm correct. Now please note that that version of you is not a clone. It's an actual different version of you. See all I did was bring different versions of you from different universes to you. Yes there are more, But also note that they also can't be here. Now you may be asking 'If they can't be here then why did I bring them here?' And that can be answered by me telling you that you were chosen by the guardian/ protector of this universe - me. If you are wondering my name Is Aasim. Just remember that a wish come responsibility. And here is yours. All you have to do, Is Find what you and all the versions of you have in common. It sounds easy but isn't. Because if you don't find out within less then two weeks. they will die. and so will their world. And not only will them and their world die...so will ours. And since this is the one and only original World. It will cause an unbalanced force in all of the millions of universes out there. Think though every decision you make. Good luck'


"okay...so what does this mean?" Other me said after reading the paper. "Every little thing you need to know is on that paper opposite grace" Harold said rubbing his temples. "Opposite grace?" I asked "yeah, since it says here we're gonna have to give them names that show what's different from you, so since this grace is the opposite of you, her nickname is opposite grace.

"okay so, since there's more of me probably just roaming around, how do we find them" I asked looking at Harold and opposite grace.   opposite grace was about to open her mouth but stopped when my phone buzzed. I picked it up, Looking at the 5 voicemails from Hanna, the president of the school council. 

"HECK!!" I said jumping up. "I forgot about the meeting. I said and clicked on the first voice mail. Putting it on speaker.


sorry I had to end it write there. I'm just trying to get the Time I missed on this account back. Remember If  you don't follow my main here it is


make sure you look at my story's id you like Finn Wolfhard. and RM from BTS


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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