Mine (Chapter Twenty Six)

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The ride to the hospital was short, we have been put into a room, and now we are waiting to be seen. I'm guessing since we're in Vegas there are more people that need their attention than me. I'm trying my best to stay calm waiting for a doctor. Austin on the other hand is freaking out he's been pacing back and forth since we've been put in this room. When the nurse came in to take my information he kept asking her questions, and she kept telling him she wasn't sure we had to wait on the doctor.
My mom and Tayla are in the waiting room, I just want it to be me and Austin for now. "Austin you can sit down." I said and he just looked at me with his brown eyes. "Here I'll scoot over and you can sit with me" I said scooting over he reluctantly walked over and sat next to me. "How's your side feel?" He asked me rubbing my leg. "The pain has stopped really, I'm only worried about the baby" I said looking down knowing that's what he was worried about as well. "Did they hit you anywhere else?" He asked me looking me over. "I thought one punched me in the face but looking in that mirror over there I don't see a mark." I said looking into the mirror by the computer.
"Yeah it doesn't look like you got hit, I would say they missed" he replied touching my cheek. "I'm going to kill them" he said standing up and starting the walk around the room. "God how did I let this happen" he said again this time punching the wall. "Austin stop it's not your fault, I wanted to sit in the crowd, and we both know your fans aren't that way, must of been a fake fan or something." I said moving a little to make myself more comfortable.
The doctor finally walked in "how are you feeling?" He said holding a chart "she's pregnant can you see if the baby is ok?" Austin said before I could answer. "I'm having someone bring a machine to check that sir." He said looking at Austin giving him a weird look. "I'm actually feeling fine, no pain really."  I said pointing to my side. He finished up something on the computer and said he'd be right back with the machine.
The I felt something, I unbuttoned my jeans and stuck my hand down into my underwear "what the hell are you doing?" Austin asked looking at me with a weird expression " it's wet" I said getting ready to pull my hand up "Arizona that's not what we need to be worrying about right now" He said and then I pulled my hand out to see blood on the tips of my fingers. I look up at Austin with a shocked look on my face. I instantly burst into tears. "Arizona what's that from? Baby come here" He said pulling me into his chest, I couldn't hug back I was in shock I knew what blood probably meant and it crushed me.
"I think I'm having a miscarriage Austin" I said looking up at him.  He took off out of the room yelling for a doctor. He walked back in with a doctor following him. I told the doctor what I thought, "have you been cramping or bleed at all this past week?" "I have had a few cramps and maybe a couple spots of blood, I just assumed it was my period messing with me and that I ate something bad" I said being honest with them "when did you find out you were pregnant?" He asked me "my mom told me today she thought I was and so I took a test and it was positive, I've had a small bump for a day or two but again I thought I ate something bad" I said looking at Austin who looked terrified.
"Okay well let's see if we can hear a heartbeat" he said pulling the machine to him. "It's going to be a little cold" he said putting the gel on my stomach. Austin was now standing Beside me holding my hand. " I'm not getting anything but that doesn't mean it's not there, have you been to the doctor to know how far along you are?" He asked me "my mom is a nurse and she said l look about 8-9 weeks." " Well by the looks of it that's probably right, let's draw some blood to be sure, but that would explain why I can't get a heartbeat." He said leaving the room.
After the blood was drawn we waited. I texted my mom to come back but she felt it was something me and Austin needed to be together just us. I did tell her that I think I might be having a miscarriage. Finally the doctor came back with the results. "It looks like you were pregnant, and it seems that unfortunately you are having a miscarriage. I'll let you two have a minute and then I'll be back" he said walking out. I was numb I couldn't feel anything, then the tears they just came rushing. Austin pulled me into a tight hug and I could hear him starting to cry as well. "I'm so sorry Arizona" He said through his tears he was still hugging me after 10 minutes.
I had never thought I'd feel closer to Austin but right now I felt like it was only me and him on this earth and that if we can get through this we will get though anything. He finally pulled away after about another 20 minutes. We didn't speak those thirty minutes except him saying sorry we just hugged each other. "Can I come in?" The doctor asked peaking his head around the door. We both nodded. "I'm sure you have questions?" He said looking at both of our puffy faces.
"How?" I asked my voice a little scratchy. "It's not usually anyone things fault, it was nothing you did, it's just something that sometimes happens, and if happens quite often. Your baby just wasn't ready yet." He said making me feel a little better that it wasn't something I'd done. "There was an accident at a concert and she got kicked in the side, could that have done it?" Austin asked I could hear the sadness in his voice. "No it seems that she's probably been miss carrying for a few days now, it's no ones fault it's just what the body foes sometimes." He said making Austin feel a little better as well, I knew if it was that kick he would never forgive himself.
"It seems like for the most part you're done having it, I would say within the next day the bleeding will stop." He said looking at his chart. "When can we try again?" Austin asked shocking me, I wasn't even sure if I was ready for this baby and he wants to try again? "I would say give it a month or two, and you make sure your ready, don't rush into anything this can be an emotional time" he said looking at me. He said he was going to send the release papers and we could go home.
"Austin why do you want a baby so bad?" I asked him, he had never mentioned it before and we were still new together. " I didn't want kids. When I met you everything changed, I all of a sudden wanted kids one day, you to be my wife one day and when you told me you were pregnant I was so excited because even though it was happening before I thought it would, it was with you. You are my everything the one I want forever." He said kissing my head making my heart melt. " I didn't mean we needed to try again soon baby I just wanted to know if we could trying in a year or two, when we are both ready, we will get through this and we will come out stronger baby. I've got you and you've got me, we will be fine" he said pulling me into him and hugging me close.
We made it back to the hotel and I told my mom who just hugged me and told me everything would be okay. I didn't tell Tayla yet because I wanted to tell them together so I didn't have to say it 6 times. She went to her hotel room a few floors below us and understood why I wasn't ready to talk.
Me and Austin were now in our room and he was in the shower, he was still sweaty from the show. "Can I shower with you?" I asked him as I walked into the bathroom "of course baby girl" With that I got undressed and walked into the shower. Austin washed my hair for me and then washed my back. He handed me the rag and let me wash the front of my body. After the shower we got dressed into our night clothes and laid in the bed. "Are you okay?" He asked me rolling over to face me. "I'm okay Austin, I'll be fine." I told him honestly "we will be fine baby tomorrow can i take you somewhere?" He asked me "of course it would be nice to get my mind off of it, do you want Mom to go?" I asked almost forgetting she was still here "of course baby" making me smile at hoe much he made sure my mom was comfortable here and making her a part of everything.
"I took this picture before everything happened I love this picture" I said showing him my phone with the picture. "It's your background?" He asked me noticing it when i closed the photo app. "Yeah it's one of my favorite pictures" "can you send it to me?" He Asked and I sent it. When he pulled out his phone I noticed I was his lock screen, it was a picture I sent him the morning I went to pick Mom up.

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