7 Rings (chapter Twenty Nine)

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Austin shot up from the chair he was in. I turned around to see G standing in the doorway. Swae had to leave but Austin was showing me and my mom a few song he was working on. Austin walked over to where G was standing and I could feel the fucking tension and anger like it was a blanket around me. They were now pretty much nose to nose. I jumped up out of my chair looking at my mom. "Not here boys not here." I was now in between them with one hand on Austin's one hand on G trying to keep them separated. I glanced at my mom so that Austin remembered she was here.
  "You wanted to see me?" G said looking at Austin i was still between then but I was so short that they could still see each other. "Not here." I said again but this time stern and both the boys looked at me shocked I was so serious. "You can do this elsewhere not here." I said again giving them both the glare, you know the mean glare. This was not happening in front of my mom, not fucking happening. "Out now." I pointed to G and then to the door. I followed him out the door "You stay here." I said to Austin.
"Look some shit went down it's over you and Austin can hash it out but not here. Stop texting me, stop sending me things please. I'm sorry I hurt you but I'm with Austin, move on you deserve better than me. But let me tell you something you should NEVER put your hands on any female. Do you get me?" I said pointing my finger at him. " I know I was wrong and I'm sorry about that, but I still want you baby. I will get you back" and he turned around and walked away. I could still see his lip was busted up and was stating to deal I'm assuming from Swae.
  I walked back into the room forgetting what he said I just want to ignore the comment of getting me back because I knew he wasn't going to get me back. "What's that about?" My Mom asked me looking at me and then Austin. "Nothing mom that was G the one I dared before Austin he's just upset that I broke up with him." Which wasn't a lie but it was the full truth either but like I said before she doesn't need to know.
  "Let's head out" Austin said grabbing my hand and me and my mom followed him out thank god my mom didn't ask me anything else about it. The rest of the day went fine. Ariana was out of town so my Mom didn't get to meet her but we FaceTimed her and my mom loved her and the other girls who she didn't get to meet.

It's now time for my mom to leave so me and Austin are driving her to the airport. "I had such a good time here with you honey" I hear my mom say from the back seat. "I've loved having you here Mom" I told her looking at her. We pulled up and parked the car "I'm going to hang back guys I don't want to draw attention." Austin said as we got out. It made sense people seem to want pictures with him and he just wasn't in the mood today, we didn't sleep much last night. No not because of sex, I was still bleeding a little and he stayed with me in the bathroom.

"Okay honey, I loved meeting you and can't wait to see you in concert again, even though the first one was a little rough. Take care of her." She said hugging Austin and then he kissed me and waved goodbye as I walked her to the doors. "I love you honey, thank you for giving me such a good time. If you need anything let me know, don't forget that it wasn't your fault honey and you and Austin have each other lean on each other I love you." She said kissing my cheek as she walked away.
I wiped a tear away, it was good to hear my mom tell me it wasn't my fault, the past few days I tried not to remember that it was going on beside the blood and last night it's been okay. I just tried to keep my life going and it was a good life. I walked back to the car and got in. "Ready baby?" Austin said putting his arm on my leg and squeezing. We were now going to talk to Matt about me leaving with Austin for the tour. 

We pulled up to the shop and walked in "Well look what the cat dragged in! Long time no see Austin, Arizona I forgot you worked here." He said laughing I didn't think he would be mad With me taking days off since we pretty much got to pick our hours. "Hey man can we talk?" Austin said walking over to his station. "Yeah I'm not busy right now why what's up?" Matt said as me and Austin sat down. "I'm going on tour and I leave Friday I was curious if I could take Arizona with me, but I don't want her loosing her job" Austin said looking at me and I smiled "I'm not your dad you can go Arizona just let me know when you're coming back so I can tell people and when they call that you're not in. By the way you get a lot of calls here, I'm guessing because of your new boyfriend." He said looking at Austin. "I'll be back in three weeks boss man." I said getting up and hugging Matt.
  "I got lucky he's my boss" I said as we walked out the door. "Now we get ready for a tour."
We leave tonight and I've been packing for me and Austin for about an hour, he had all of his stuff costume made for the stage and that would be delivered when we get there. I had never been out of the US so I was pretty excited. "Hey girl" I hear as I answer my FaceTime call from Ariana "hey what's up?" "I got that song about our rings done!" She said cheerfully. I had almost forgot about it! We finished talking and then Austin came into the room.
  "Ready baby?" He said as he grabbed our bags and I followed him outside to his car. We got onto the plane easy this time being that it was crazy late the airport was empty. We arrived in London England after a 10 hour flight the longest flight I have ever been on. I was tired when we landed even though I slept on the plane. It's 3 pm here but I can't wait to get to the hotel room and sleep before Austin's show in two days. We make it to the hotel room and I crash as soon as I hit the pillow.

Waking to to see Austin was already gone, I looked at my phone seeing a text "had to go to rehearsal I love you baby text me when you wake up" so I shoot him a text letting him know I was up and was getting in the shower. I get out of the shower and get dressed, blow dry my hair and apply some make up. When I heard a knock at the hotel door. "What are you guys doing here?" I say as Ariana and 5 girls follow behind her entering the room. "Well baby girl we missed you" Ariana said hugging me.

"Plus we're making a music video" She said letting go and sitting on the bed "and you're gonna be in it, all of us are!" O sat next to her as the other girls sat on the couch. "Do I get to hear the song?" I asked her "nope none of you do until you are on set of the video. Let's go" she said standing up and we all followed her.

Once we pull up to the set, It was new to me I'd never been on a music video set. We walk in and are all taken to hair and makeup. Once that's finished up we went to the set part and started the video. "You like my hair gee thanks just bought it." I knew she got that line from me and now her comment made sense to me when she said she got an idea. "Na I want all of them." I remembered her saying that when she bought the rings.
"Bought matching Diamonds for 6 of my bitches" we were told to sit and fake talk, but us all being friends we had no problem really talking and they filmed that part. Once everything was done we watched the video. I loved seeing my girl shine. "Hey when you get back from his tour, I would love you to be in my thank you next video too all of you" She said and we of course all agreed.

"Arizona can you give me a tattoo?" Ariana asked me "of course boo I'll get my stuff out when we get to the room." We headed aback to the hotel and I got all my tattoo things ready. I brought it since Austin said I could tattoo him and his crew when they wanted tattoos.

I finished up Ariana's tattoo right when Austin walked in. "Hey baby and girls" He said walking into the room to change out of his sweaty clothes. He walked back out "I want one" He said faking a whine. "Fine sit down what do you want?" I asked him as he sat down. "Wait when's the music video drop?" He said shocking me "How did you know that's what I did?" I asked him "girl he gave us your hotel room, he knew we were coming." Ariana said before Austin could answer. "And it drops tonight in about 30 minutes." She said and Austin's smiled "my babies first music video" and he covered me in kisses.
  "I can wait for my tattoo let's watch the video drop." He said pulling me into his lap.
  Ariana pulled up YouTube on the TV in the room and we all waited for it to drop while she was on Twitter.

ArizonaRain1 tattoo therapy for this one ❤️Arianagrande I LOVE IT GIRL username1 she gets Austin and Ariana as a best friend ugh so lucky Postmlaone don't be stealing my tattoo artist Whoever was username1 she was right I was lucky to get them

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ArizonaRain1 tattoo therapy for this one ❤️
Arianagrande I LOVE IT GIRL
username1 she gets Austin and Ariana as a best friend ugh so lucky
Postmlaone don't be stealing my tattoo artist
Whoever was username1 she was right I was lucky to get them.

Arianagrande check out 7 rings on YouTube

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Arianagrande check out 7 rings on YouTube. Bought matching Diamonds for 6 of my bitches 😋😝
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"Damn baby you look good" Austin said as we watched the video Ariana and the other all looked at him messing with him "what about us?" Ariana said causing all of us to laugh. As I sat in this room with Austin, Ariana, and the other girls i looked at all of them and just thanked god for giving me this life with these people.

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