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sara: bye cash, you should leave school tomorrow

cash: cool, i am going to walk home

sara: okay bye

cash: bye

sara: see you tomorrow *cash left and you put jack and James in their rooms, then went upstairs*  


maverick: hi

sara: oh hi

maverick: miss you

sara: i MISS YOU MORE ;-)

maverick: can i pick you up tomorrow morning 

sara: yes, see you at...

maverick: 7:50, so we can get Starbucks before school

Sara: ok, bye

maverick: bye

end of text

sara: ugh..... i should have said "love you"

maverick pov

maverick: cash *i walked into the living room where cash was* 

cash: what??

maverick: tomorrow we are picking sara up for school

cash: YES, i love sara

maverick: *i walked over and death stared him*

cash: NOT THAT WAY!!!

maverick: good

cash: are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?

maverick: yes

cash: when

maverick: one sec, i got a text from sara


sara: I LOVE YOU, BYE :-(    .......sorry

maverick: love you too :-)

sara: wow, bye

maverick: i wanted to say it early but

sara: no balls

maverick: bye :)

end of text message

cash: wow, she said i love you *he kissed me on my cheek* i am sara

maverick: really *i punched him in the shoulder* i am going live

cash: okay

maverick: *i went upstairs and went live*


maverick: YO, what is up


maverick___baker: hi, love you

hater13: you suck, and you ugly

maverick_baker_: set a drama queen

sara.mills: hi

end of comments

maverick: hi, thank for the drama queen


hater: you suck balls

sara pov

sara: night mom

mom: night sara *she walked out of your room*

you changed into this

you changed into this

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