the date

200 10 0

[skip drive to the movie theater]

maverick: come on *he looked at your sweatshirt* nice hoodie 

Sara: thanks *you walked into the movies* 

maverick: come on let's get tickets

Sara: OK

maverick: hi, 2 tickets for "The Fault In Our Stars" please 

ticket dude: here you go, enjoy your movie

Sara: thank you *you and maverick walked to the popcorn place*

maverick: popcorn 

Sara: yes please 

maverick: *walked over to the popcorn dude* 1 popcorn

popcorn dude: small, medium, large 

maverick: large

Sara: maverick, extra butter 

maverick:  extra butter

popcorn dude: here you go, enjoy

Sara: thank you

maverick: thank you *he took the popcorn in one hand and grabbed your hand*

Sara: *you blushed* 

maverick: wow

Sara: what?? *you were still blushing*

maverick: i am the power full maverick baker

Sara: *you turned  tomato red* so mature 

Maverick's pov

maverick: lets go *i pulled her into the  big room* sara

sara: ya

maverick: nothing

sara: really *she pulled her hand away* 

maverick: we an sit back here *she sat down and i sat next to her and then her phone started to ring*

sara: *she put the phone to her ear* hello

unknown: sara

sara: cash??

cash: SARA, um..... jack is.....well... lost, NO i found him

sara: ok

cash: do you want taco bell

cash: yes, here

sara: what is james doing

cash: asleep, bye

sara: bye??

end of call

maverick: sara

sara: ya

maverick: um....

sara: give me the popcorn  ;-) *she pulled the tub of popcorn from me* thanks 

maverick: *i took her hand and held on like i was going to lose her*

[skip movie]

maverick: ready

sara: let's go *i had her still and we walked out after throwing our garbage away*

maverick: do you want to go to the park or mall

sara: park, no one will be there

maverick: sure, you aren't  going to kill me are you

sara: no *she laughed and blushed she put up her hood to try and hide her pink cheeks* 

[skip drive to park]

sara: swing *i watched her run to the swing set and start to swing* wee

maverick: kid much

sara: i live with two 7 year old's what do you expect  *i walked over*

maverick: here  *i pushed her on the swing* so it's like 6:35

sara: my mom is suppose to be home at 7:00

maverick: i will drive you home

sara: thanks *she jumped off the seings and ran to the car*

[skip drive to sara's]

maverick: bye

sara: bye, i will drive cash home later

maverick: okay bye *i drove home and i can stop thinking about sara*

Sara's pov

cash: hi sara

sara: hi

jack: yummy taco-bell

cash: yes, yummy

sara: so let me guess you want me to drive you guys to taco bell

cash: please

sara: fine let's go *you cash, jack, and sleeping james went to TACO BELL*

maverick (finished)Where stories live. Discover now