moving to Tulsa

387 11 0

name: sara mills

age: 18

eye color: hazel 

hair color: dirty blonde 

you are getting ready to move to Tulsa Oklahoma. you are at the airport, you are with your mom and 2 twin brothers,  jack and James. they are 7 years old. you are stuck watching your brothers on the plane. they are sitting in front of you.

sara: jack, james sit down

jack: no *he bounced up and down* bounce

james: no bounce, sit jack

jack: fine *jack sat down*

sara: thank god one of you listens to me *you sit down and get comfy when someone walks over to you*

stranger: um.... is this seat taken 

sara: no, you can sit

stranger: thank you, i am maverick *he sat down and smiled*

sara: my name is sara

maverick: are those dudes your brothers *he pointed at them*

sara: yes

maverick: *he stood up* hey can my brother sit with you guys

jack: is he cool

james: does he have a disease

maverick: yes he is cool, no he doesn't have a disease   *he laughed*

jame: then yes

maverick: cash, you can sit with these dudes *cash sat with jack and james*

james: do you know what dude means, if not it means, a guy *james scoffed at maverick* do you know anything

maverick: what is your name kid

james: mills, james mills yours

maverick: baker, maverick baker

jack: i am jack *he punched cash in the shoulder*

cash: i like this kid *he hit jack playfully*

sara: jack is crazy, and james is well

james: smart unlike for you sara

sara: i am 18, i thinks that makes me smarter

james: how

sara: i a have more experience 

james: whatever *he looked out the window and fell asleep*

jack: sara can i go to sleep

sara: yes

cash: you can lean on be bud *the plane just took of 10 mins ago*

jack: night *he leaned onto cash shoulder, and cash leaned his head on jack's head*

sara: so maverick.....*you yawned*

maverick: can i have your number *you put your number in his phone and he put his in your phone* thanks, are you tired

sara: yes, an your welcome 

maverick: can go to sleep

sara: i have no pillow

maverick: lean onto me *you layed your head on his shoulder*

sara: thanks maverick

maverick: good night

cash: dude, nice *then he fell asleep*

[skip to getting of the plane]

sara: jack, james wake up

jack+james: WHAT

sara: shh, maverick *you shook him awake them cash* cash

cash: what time is it

sara: 3:00 am

maverick: come on cash *cash got up and maverick got up to* bye sara

cash: bye jack, james *cash punched jack in the shoulder playfully* bye sara, it was nice meeting you

maverick: i will text you sometime *he waved and left*

[skip drive to your new house]

maverick (finished)Where stories live. Discover now