Reapers and a demons family tree

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((Ok so thank god, my parent ALMOST took my phone for a week *cries* but I convinced them to let me have it but I'm grounded for a week.... *shrugs* meh. BUT IF I GAVE UP MAH PHONE WATTPAD WOULD HAVE LIKE 99 NOTIFICATIONS THO. now that would be kinda bad, like sitting here for an hour scrolling and looking. .__. Yeah so here's the chapter enjoy!!))

Out of breath and passed out, a red headed reaper appeared from a big ass tree. it's toothy grin appears clear as day. He jumped down and took a closer look at your frail unconscious body. he then kneeled down next to you and pulled out a book. he flipped threw the pages till he stopped and his grin faded slowly.

"What the hell?! S-she's immortal?! 'Name, (f/n) (l/n), gender, female, status, immortal'?!" He frantically flipped threw it once more to be sure it was you. after searching for your name once more, he have in and just look at the one before.

"Wait, half immortal, 'marked and demonized by Lucifer Michaelis'. that name seems familiar? wait?! Sebastian Michaelis and Lucifer Michaelis! oh bassy you never told me you had a brother! oh wait, could it be his father? I don't have time for this, come on (y/n) we can't be here all day we must go see bassy!" he picked you up and carried you out from the forest. the red headed man then knocked on the phantomhive estate. he was soon then greeted by Sebastian.

"Grell, what are you doing here?!" Sebastian soon notice you over his shoulder. the tall butler sighed and cleared the way to let him in.

"My master was looking for her. where was she?" the read headed man sighed himself and placed you gently on the couch.

"Don't mind her I just made her tag along. on the other hand, you never told me you had a brother?" his eye brow twitched and his eyes turned a light pink.

"What?" he turned around and walked away a little. The reaper grabbed the book he use to find out who you where and showed him. Sebastian grew even more angry, to the point where he walked over to your motionless body and pulled down your shoulder sleeve, only to reveal your shoulder, non the less. he found the marking of his brothers, like the one on his hand, just dark blue. he mumbled under his breath.

"Lucifer..." Grell grew quiet attach to the name. In fact he rushed over to the butler and leaned on him.

"So Se-bas-tian, who's this lucifer guy?"he poked his arm till the man responded.

"My brother, I haven't seen or herd of him in the past 100 years or so. how could this be?" he herd the young earl coming down the stairs and his eyes went back to a blood red. the earl saw you and rushed to you.

"(Y/n)?! is she ok?" the reaper yawned and stretched.

"When did this brat have feelings, especially for a demon. oh wait, I'm just like him. oh god." he furrowed his eye brows until the young earl spun of his heals to face him.

"Demon?" he held a finger at the boy and stopped him.

"Half demon, to be exact." the boy widened his eye and turned to Sebastian with a furious look.

"You... you did this." Sebastian then frowned.

"No but your fairly close, young master." the boy held a hand on his hip.

"My brother. Lucifer. he had turned her into a half demon, which means she can eat souls but also lives like a human, and then can die like humans but live immortally." waking from your daze you saw the boy hovering over you in shock. you looked around after sitting up and saw your should clearly, and the symbol. you frantically pulled it up. The red headed man spoke.

"We already saw." As a result you saw Sebastian taking off his gloves. you saw the same symbol, but purple, start to glow. you gasped and stood up.

"A-are you him?" You slowly made your way to the door.

"Stop! it's not who ever your talking about." you stopped in relief, but one thing on your mind.

"Hold on, why is a demon your butler? wait?! don't tell me..." your words trailed off. he nodded and took off his eye patch. he slowly opened his eye, noticing his eye glowing like the butlers hand.

"Yes (y/n), we have made a contract. But please don't tell anyone." ((wow for once he said please omg HILARIOUS I'm gonna go now... bye...))

You nodded and simple walked over to him. you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him close.

"One, don't tell anyone about me, and two, why would you make a contract if it would ruin your beautiful face? now that's a shame." you kissed his nose, and slightly chuckled at the blush rushing up his cheek.

"I'm sorry I ran away. oh yeah, why the hell would you cheat on your fiancé?!" he backed away slightly and turned away from your glare.

"I-I can-can't explain." you folded your hands over your chest. slightly leaning to the left.

"That's what I thought."

((Did u like it human, if so then leave a comment on how you thought it was. or even an idea for the next chapter! ok so see you laters and I'm grounded for a week for you guys... welcome. but anyways good bye potato eating Sasha's (that reference tho) :3))

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