One night hit and run

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((I'm gonna try to write differently sorry no more p.o.v's byee))

You squirmed out of Alois' grip just in time to catch Ciel's wrist. he jumped at your warm skin meeting his ice cold hand. he was shocked by your presences.

"Excuse me miss, but could you please back away from my master?" his smile gentled your grip on the young earl, but soon let go. his butler was quite handsome and sweet but he just seemed different. Ciel turned to face your sparkling (e/c) eyes. he stared at them in wonder of why you would stop him.

"What is it?" you where lost in his eye until he spoke once more.

"(Y/n)?" you snapped out of the trance his blue eyes set on you. you could feel the blush going up to the tip of your ears down to your neck. You hesitated to responded.

"S-sorry, I'll just leave." still the crimson hint of red filled your cheeks. you grabbed Alois' and walked to the door.

"I'm sorry Alois' but I can't do this. to much has happened today for this to happen." he smiled gently and stopped. he touched your hand that rapped around his arm.

"It's okay, I'll go. good night my dear." he placed a gently kiss on your hand and the creepy spider dude popped out of no where and opened the door. you mouthed 'thank you' to him as you turned around.

"I won't forget you! you should stop by the manor and I could give you a tour!" his voice brightened the depressing mood you where in. you turned you head.

"I'd love that! a nice visit around the fancy Trancy manor sounds lovely." you chuckled to your amazing 'joke'. he quietly laughed as you heard the horse whip crack, and the sounds of horses running. 'I made a new friend' you thought. you walked back in seeing the earl sitting with his head in his hand with his arm resting on a table. he spotted you and perked his head up. as he stood up you backed away slightly.

"Where's Trancy?" he asked with a curious town. you looked down remembering how you two had bonded over such a short period of time. he was more like a brother to you, nor you or him minded that.

"He... left." He opened his mouth to abject but soon closed it. he smiled slightly and looked at his butler.

"She may stay. Make sure Trancy doesn't show again." remembering how Alois said they where friends made you wonder. you wanted to ask but you would feel to awkward if the answer was something different than the usual.

"May I have this dance miss (y/n)?" he smiled slightly and extended his arm. you take his hand as he pulled you close. you could hear the music slowly start in the background. as you two spun to the music slowly, his dark blue eye trapped your mind in oblivion.

~~time skip~~

the music stopped, and so did the young earl. as he led you out from the center of the ball room, you felt quiet out of breath. it wasn't much of a dance either, but you savored every moment.

"Well, I must be le-" you we're cut of by a loud crash. you turned your head quickly to see a red headed girl in a pile of people. there was glass in the floor also, more like a china set.

"Mey-rin?! what in the devils happened?!" the tall butler rushed over to them with anger slipping from his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry Sebastian, sorry yes I am!" He settled his head in his hand as she stood up from the two men under her.

"Oh! I'm sorry too Finny and Baldroyd, yes I am!" her glasses cracked and the two other men stood up after and dusted off there shirts. most of the guest left by then so no one really saw. Ciel sighed and commanded his butler to clean up at once and then took my wrist.

"May we continue this conversation in my study's miss (y/n)?" As you nodded, feeling the blush go to your ears and cheeks, he then lead you to a door up the grand stairs. he opened it and was greeted by a small gust of wind. plus the aroma of Earl Grey Tea.

"It's lovely in here." he sighed and sat at his desk. Motioning me to take a seat the opposite of him, I accepted and sat down.

"What where you saying?" You all of a sudden remembered how You need to get home but your thoughts where cut threw by a loud boom of thunder. You jumped at the loud boom and stood up quickly.

"What's wrong?" the young boy had stood up to at the sudden movement. you looked at him and smiled.

"I-it's nothing." you sat back down and thought of your major fear of thunder. You look at Ciel and saw a red tint to his cheek. he thought it was cute how you reacted to the thunder, but by even the saddest thought could kill the tint.

"Are you ok?" you tilted your head in curiosity. he motioned you to come closer.

"Come here, I need to tell you something." he had a smirk on his face but avoiding the eye contact I tried to keep from going down to his perfect lips.

"W-why?" he just motioned one last time till he stood you and himself up. he leaned close where his breath tickled your cheeks and teased your mind. you zoned out when his cold lips made contact with yours. your lips where perfect for each other. they moved perfectly; at the same pace, motion and just everything.

"Cieeell~" the door bursted open with an obnoxious voice, but soon to a gasp. Ciel parted your lips and quickly sat down. 'did he have a girlfriend already?' You thought.

"(Y/n), this is Elizabeth. my fiancé..." you turned to look at the shocked blonde. your turned back around and slapped Ciel. after your hand made contact with his soft cheek you ran out, past the butler and the very little amount of guests.

"How the fuck could he cheat on his fiancé?!" You ran to the nearby woods. after a couple of minutes of running, your legs got numb and gave out. you collapsed and tried to settle your breath.

"H-how- the h-hell?" out of the last few pants you where out. the lack of breath took a toll on your heath, but you had to leave. no mattered at you had to avoid him. You had to...

((Ok so how was it! leave a comment on what you think will happen next! I don't think it was short, was it? IDEK BUT WHO CARES a chapter is a chapter and an update is an update! good bye my magical majestic potato eating unicorns BYEE!!!))

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