4) Take Me Alive

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Minseo's P.O.V

The sound echoed throughout the narrow alleyways, erupting into every empty space it could find. I looked at Jiwoo, hoping to see her fine and well but she was stood still, looking at my leg. That's when I felt it.

"FUCKING -" I tumbled to the floor in agony, the warm heat of pain spreading through my body.

I looked down to see the wound. A hole with the smallest amount of metal within it had made my skin look like it had been teared apart. The oozing of blood was continuous, showing no signs of stopping soon.

Was this actually the way I was supposed to die?

I looked to my sister, standing still in shock, and at the demons dressed in black, who were already approaching.

"Jiwoo you have to go." The tone used was stern but it was obvious the pain I felt was escaping through my voice.

"I'm not leaving you here. We can go down together." She was now crouching beside me.

"No. Jiwoo they'll kill you if they get their chubby little hands on you. You need to lea -"

"Why would I do that?! If I leave, you'll die." Tears began to fall from her pretty face.

"Go to our grand parents. They live in the next town over. If you carry on the way we were heading, you won't miss it. They'll take you and hide you."

"But dad said they died."

"You know our parents are liars. Now go!" I ordered.

"I'll come and find you. I promise." She kissed my forehead, stood up, looked to the threat that was coming our way and began to flee.

"I love you!" She screamed back at me.

"Forever and always." I whispered a response.

I watched her small frame disappear into the shadows before finally looking down at my injury once more. I was now lying with my leg in a pool of blood. The effects finally started to kick in as I felt my world begin to darken. The only thing seeping through was the soft sound of murmurs.

"I didn't think I actually shot her."

"I think you got the wrong one. She looks nothing like the picture."

"In my opinion, she's better than the one in the picture."

"Minho stop staring at her like she's a piece of meat!"

"Guys shut up. She's losing blood and all this talk isn't exactly saving her."

"Okay, help her Changbin."

I felt a pair of strong arms lift me from the ground and heat radiate towards my body until I suddenly couldn't feel it anymore.


It was cold, colder than I remember at least. My brain automatically assumed it was because of the blood loss but when my eyes opened, I was told otherwise.

I was on the world's worst bed in a small, damp room. The smallest amount of light coming from a high up window was trying to break through the darkness. But here I was, still sat in the dark.

The damp had clearly happened due to an accident in this room, considering there was no way water could simply leak in here. The smell was enough to tell me what it was.


The stains were obvious, even with the lack of light. It was in splattered patterns across the empty space. Whoever did this clearly loved to torture people.

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