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Montgomery shot her head back, facing her best friend Claire. Worry sprung throughout her face, causing Claire to dryly chuckle.

"Now what?" Claire questioned, chewing on the eraser part of her wooden pencil, filled with teeth marks.

Montgomery forbid to turn around to the front of the bright classroom where the new student just strolled in. She could match the face perfectly, and had hoped he couldn't do the same with hers. "That's him."

Claire quirked up her eyebrows in confusement. She had the tiny hint that Montgomery thought he was cute. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made a commotion about it to her. "The new kid? What 'bout him?"

"It's him. The guy from Wattpad," Montgomery confessed. She anxiously bit her tongue, hearing Luke's voice as he spoke to her English teacher.

Claire's jaw dropped open, suddenly aware of the situation. Montgomery had been yapping all year about some boy on Wattpad who is supposedly the greatest writer ever. She had been reading all his works and Luke had been reading hers. Claire would even peek over Montgomery's shoulder to read what she had been inboxing the boy. "How much does he know?"

"Everything, Claire!" she whisper-shouted. "He reads all of my works and I've been inboxing him since. He knows more than you and we have been friends for 3 years!"

Montgomery squinted her eyes as she distantly heard his footsteps crawling down the aisle. She twisted her head away from the sound, staring out the window as her breath hitched. She never knew it was possible to literally meet an online friend in person.


sooo excited for this. the prologue is done and will be up soon.



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