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The next morning when Montgomery walked through the school doors, she immediately slammed into another figure. She fell, rested her head down on the unsanitary tile. She closed her eyes, groaned, then opened her eyes and proceeded to pick up her stuff. At the same time, she heard a taunting snort combing from someone above her. She grabbed the books and binders that had scattered after the collision and stood up. She found herself in front of one of the many people that annoyed her quite profoundly.

Bane Donoghue.

He used to be Montgomery's neighbor before she and her mother moved after her parents' divorce. His and her parents would set them up on play dates when they were little, thinking that their history would evolve into some kind of "My Childhood Best Friend is Also My Spouse" type of love story. But that didn't really work out.

"Watch where you're going, Bane," Montgomery said once she had recognized his sneering face. "You might trip and fall and break that precious face of yours." She rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for the advice, Monty," Bane replied sarcastically, using the nickname he used to call her.

"Anytime, old pal. Seems like you may need it in the future," she said dully.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're trying to become the football star, right?"

Bane smirked and replied, "Yeah, actually, I am."

"Don't get beat up too bad," Montgomery said. Then she added, "Or do. Whatever feels right." Then turned on her heel and walked to her class.

She walked to Mr. McMin's classroom and plopped down in one of the empty seats, waiting for Claire. She pulled out the book she was currently reading (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon for the third time) and sat there for a good five minutes before the creaky door opened once again. Thinking the person entering was Claire, she casually stuck out her shoe, intending to trip her. When she heard the satisfying slap of someone falling she turned and saw that it wasn't Claire, but Mr. McMin.

"Wilson!" Mr. McMin screamed. "Why am I on the ground? Hm? Can you please open my eyes and explain this to me?"

"You tripped?" Montgomery offered.

"Yes, I tripped. I tripped on your shoe. So if you would please just stay in line, Ms. Wilson, so I won't have to call the principal."

Montgomery nodded and went back to her book.

"Why'd you trip him?"

Montgomery jumped in her seat. She turned around to look at the person who asked the question. Of course, it was none other than Luke.

"I-I didn't mean to," she said, stuttering a little out of nervousness and out of talking too fast. "I was intending to trip Claire."

"You wanted to what now?" Claire asked and speed-walked over to Montgomery's desk. When she saw Luke was in her seat, she said, "Scoot." and he obliged, moving to the seat next to Montgomery.

"Trip you," she answered Claire's question, "because you wouldn't respond to any of my texts. I was having a math homework emergency!"

"And you wanted my help? Claire? Math?" She chuckled. "No."

"I can help you," Luke said. "I'm pretty good at math. I can help you with your homework if you want."

"Thank you, Luke, that's sweet of you," Claire said before Montgomery could even begin her statement. "Montgomery can give you her number."

Montgomery looked at her, eyes blazing.

"No, actually, I won't." She quickly regretted what she said and tried to cover it up by saying, "I barely know you... I don't want to give my phone number to practical strangers."

Luke nodded and said, "I understand. I can just help you during study hall or something?"

Montgomery smiled. "That'd be great."

Luke then pulled out his homework and began looking over his answers, so Claire took that time to whisper in Montgomery's ear, "Why wouldn't you just give him your number? 'I don't give my number to strangers'? You gave your number to the guy at the yogurt place that one time."

"What can I say? He was cute," she said. "And I couldn't give him my number because he already has my number, remember? So if I gave him my real number he would know who I am. And I'm not ready for that yet."

Claire sighed. "Okay, fine. Just promise me that you won't keep him hanging on for too long, okay? He seems like a nice guy. He doesn't deserve this."

Montgomery nodded, looking fondly at him. "I promise."




long time, no see, huh?

I finally got around to watching The Maze Runner and all I can say is that I'm Dylan O'Crying

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