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The bell obnoxiously rang, signaling it was time for study hall. Montgomery grabbed her things and walked out of the dull classroom and into the jungle of a hallway. Similar to one in the jungle, there was an obvious social pyramid amongst Montgomery's peers. Montgomery always thought that a better way to put it was "Food Chain" but it didn't stick quite as much as "High School Hierarchy." There were the lions. The lions are the top dogs (or, in this case, cats) of the social system. Since lions are strong and stealthy, the jock-y guys and back-stabbing, manipulative girls were considered the kings and queens of the jungle. Next come the cheetahs. They're fast and smart, but are somehow inferior to the almighty lions. The cheetahs consist of The Wannabes. Although in an actual jungle, cheetahs and lions aren't exactly best buddies, in this jungle, the cheetahs do their best to pretend that the lions are practically their best friends. Then there's an awkward middle stage, consisting of a variety of monkeys, lemurs, and other jungle creatures. Lastly, come the bottom-feeders: the pesky little insects.

Sometimes there can be a hierarchy inside a hierarchy, though. Sometimes monkeys pretend to be lions and mosquitoes pretend to be cheetahs. And sometimes, when someone doesn't know where they fit in, they end up just not fitting in at all. They're in the grey area somewhere.

Montgomery was sure she was in the grey area. Being in the grey was completely fine with her.

The only thing not fine with her was that the longer Luke stayed at her school, the higher he climbed on the social ladder. And if there's anything Montgomery is sure of about the jungle, is that lions don't waster their time on the creatures in the grey area.


Montgomery blinked hard and realized that she had been spacing out.


"Do you still want my help with math?"

She hadn't realized until that moment that it was Luke talking to her.

"O-Oh, of course, yeah," she stuttered. She's tarted walking to the library and Luke followed suit behind her.

"Why does this place look so vacant?" Luke asked as we entered the library. Montgomery watched as he slid his finger along one of the shelves, collecting enough dust to create a dust bunny. "It looks like no one's been here for years."

"That's because no one has," Montgomery replied vaguely. She found a decent table and set her books down.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the librarian died in here and ever since people think her ghost is gonna get revenge on them by murdering them with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

"That book isn't nearly thick enough to kill a man," Luke stated almost casually as he slung his man-purse-thing off his shoulder and onto the floor. He took out a binder and opened it in front of her. "Ready to get started?"

"Are you not scared of Librarian Siege's ghost?" she asked him.

"I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in math. And I think you should start believing in math too. Your grade will thank you."

"Rude," I huffed under my breath but nevertheless took out a pen and paper and muttered, "Let's do this before we get murdered by a deceased librarian."

Luke softly chuckled before diving in to the jungle of math, which he apparently so strongly believes in.



now that it's summer i'll have more time to finish the books i started so you better watch out !!

and i just want to apologize for any grammatical mistakes. i know i sometimes mesh the past and present tenses together, so just bare with me if you're the grammar nazi type:)

i'm so, so thankful you guys actually read and like my stories lol. i joined wattpad just because i love to write. i never expected any reads, let alone any (what you could possibly call) fans of my writing. it's not thanksgiving time yet (or even close to it) but i just wanted to express my gratitude:))))


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