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One day, Sasuke-chan brought some little friends home. I was a bit surprised at first because Sasuke wasn't really a social butterfly.

That day, he came running into the house with two little bright headed kids following behind him. I was quietly reading on the coach when they came up to me.

Sasuke came rushing into the room, pulling his two friends behind him. The first thing I took note of was the bright hair the two children had. One blond and the other pink.

"Aniki! Aniki!"

I couldn't help a smile grace my lips, "Yes, Sasuke-chan?"

A big smile came across his face and I observed the two children standing behind him. The blond was practically shaking in excitement and the pinket was shyly looking up through her eye lashes at me, rubbing her hands together in nervousness. I gave her a smile and she blushed and quickly looked away.

"These are my two friends, Aniki! This is Naruto-dope-"

"Hey! I'm not a dope, teme!"

Sasuke ignored him, "And this is Sakura!"

She gives a little wave.

The three of them where so cute and innocent. No giving a care about the world and what people think. The three of them, just living there life to the fullest. It made me so happy but a part of me was envious. I never got to have that childhood. This lit something in my, I knew from that moment on, I would protect these three children to the best of my ability.

I stand up and ruffle the three kids hair. Both Sasuke and Naruto try to swat at my hand while Sakura just blushes. "Come on, let's get something to eat, you three."

A chores of happy okays follow and the three of them shuffle after me and into the kitchen.

I quickly cook up some rice balls while the three of them sit down at the counter and chat away. Most of the time, Naruto and Sasuke will start the conversation, Sakura will add a comment here or there but in the end she has to stop them from full on fighting each other. It was a strange but cute friendship.

Now that I think about it, the two people that Sasuke just happens to be friends with are people with very talked about titles. Naruto being the jinjuriki - something most have a problem with but I really don't - and Sakura, being the daughter of the head of the Haruno Clan. However, since her clan is known for being very much so sexist, her little brother will be named clan heir and she will be married off to another Konoha clan heir to strengthen bonds.

Now that I think about it, there is every possibility that her and I could end up in an arranged marriage. With this in mind, I hand them the rice balls and they all say a thank you.

Leaning against the counter, deep in thought, a frown graces my face. Stuck as someone her father will never see as good enough and will than be eventually forced to marry someone she doesn't even love at the age of 16. I sigh, sometimes life just isn't fair.

I watch the three of them eat. Naruto, eating like a complete pig. Sasuke, eating quite modestly but still not super neat. And then there's Sakura, back straight, posture perfect, eating ever so delicately. Even at such a young age she probably has multiple tutors, having to work hours a day on perfect manners.

Naruto's life wasn't much better. Hated for something he didn't even know about, all because people couldn't tell the difference between a kunai and a scroll. He's never known the love of a parent and probably hasn't made many friends.

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