Amber Pools of Gold

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When you turn your back and start to leave
I feel a hole open up in me
I still find it hard to believe
That your hand is mine to hold
That I'm the one you chose
Every moment feels like heaven
when I look into your eyes
Amber pools of gold
still swimming in my head
I miss you the very moment you say goodbye
The bronze shine of your hair
Just as the sun hits
Leaves me star stuck every time
The image of your smiling face
Looking back at mine
Bathing in the sunlight
Holding onto me so tight
Lips pressed to mine
Will never leave my mind
You are my forever
I see it in your face
I could never let you go
You're the other half of me
Loving you makes me feel complete
I never want to let this special feeling go
Or lose this memory
Of you and me
On this sunlit street.

For my beautiful lover and muse LukeAlShoufi

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