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I'm falling apart inside
I hope we can get through this
You must be terrified
I'm so sorry it had to come to this
But what you did wasn't right
You let me down
You tore me up
You were my tormentor
You'll never know how afraid I was
But isn't that what you wanted?
Childhood dreams
Turned to blatant fears
But this has been true for 3 whole years
It never seemed true until now
The guilt has slowly faded
I've realised you deserve this
You shouldn't get an ounce of kindness
Not from me
Not from her
Not from us
Not for the things you've done
You are twisted
You are a monster
Toxic and sick
You are everything you said you were
That you didn't want to be
You know it all along
But you played victim
You've never been the victim of anything
You are just a tormentor

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