Chapter Three

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Steve's P.O.V

Steve woke up to the sound of Jensen's crying. Steve had managed to get 3 hours in total of sleep. Steve went and picked Jensen up. Steve put a clean diaper on him and then he got Jensen ready for the day. Steve put Jensen in his high chair before getting his baby oatmeal ready. Once it was ready Steve fed Jensen his breakfast. Once Jensen was finished eating Steve and Jensen walked into Alexis's room to wake her up. Once they were all ready and packed Steve drove them to the airport stopping on the way to get breakfast for Alexis and himself.

Back to normal P.O.V

When they arrived at the airport Steve helped me with my bags. Once mine and Jensen's bags were loaded on the trolly. I grabbed Jensen and put him in his stroller in his carseat. Steve had a later flight so he was going to ship my Escalade with the trailer that had my motorcycle in it to Houston before his flight. They would be in Houston in a week. My dad was going to loan me one of his SUV's until my Escalade arrived in Houston so I was catching a ride with him and his wife Michelle to their house to pick it up which it was down the street from my house. Steve had drove off when a cab pulled up and Mark got out of it. He paid the cab driver before getting out and getting his bags.

"Hey, Mark." Alexis says.

"Hey, Alexis ready to get checked in." My dad says putting his bags on the Trolly with mine and Jensen's. I nodded. My dad pushed the Trolly while I pushed Jensen. Mark and I checked our bags in. I also payed to have Jensen's stroller and carseat put underneath the plane just before I get on the plane. I had already put Jensen's diaper bag and my carry on bag under the stroller. After we got our boarding passes we went through security. Once we got through security we still had 30 minutes before we boarded our flight to Houston, Texas. Dad went to get us some food while I found us somewhere to sit while we wait for our plane. Dad came back 10 minutes later. 15 minutes later our flight was called. Dad and I were flying first class. Just before we got on the flight I took Jensen out of his stroller and grabbed our bags. Dad took the bags and carried them while I carried Jensen who was sleeping. Once we got to our seats. Dad gave me his seat which was the window seat and held Jensen while I sat down. I put the bags under the seat. Dad passed Jensen to me and I put him on my lap and put the seatbelt on us both and adjusted to where it fit perfectly. Dad then put his bag under the seat before sitting beside me and put his seatbelt on. 10 minutes later we were up in the air. The flight would only take 2 hours. Jensen slept through the whole flight. Dad woke me up. I had some how landed up sleeping with my head resting on his shoulder. Dad had Jensen in his arms. once we got off the plane we put his diaper bag and my carry on bag under the stroller before putting Jensen in his carseat. As soon as we walked through the terminal I seen Dad's wife Michelle McCool. I pointed her out to him. I also seen that she had a 2 or 3 year old child with her. We walked over to her. Dad hugged and kissed her and then kissed the child before motioning for me to come over to him. which I did.

"Michelle, I want you to meet my daughter Alexis and her son Jensen. I told you about her on the phone the other night." Dad says introducing her to me.

"Hi, Michelle it is an honor to meet you. As Dad says I am Alexis. But in the ring I am known as Luna Hunters. We actually just met for the first time yesterday." Alexis says.

"It is so nice to meet you, Alexis. I have heard great things about you from some of the independent circuit wrestlers. I also heard that you just started wrestling for TNA Impact wrestling is that true." Michelle says hugging me with a smile.

"Yes it is true. I signed my contract 3 days ago. Jensen will be 2 1/2 when my contract expires. Steve Borden has taken me under his wing. Given the fact that I am only 23. I am thinking that once my contract is up I might give WWE a chance but let's keep that between us 3." Alexis says.

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