|| TEN ||

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There are two types of arena for killers: the one where you get a 'full game' whereby there are ten killers, including you and you have the choice of teaming up. The game ends with one person standing, having choosen to betray his team or work his way through the numbers alone. The second one comprises of an open area where two people are thrown into battle without the choice of teams. It can only be accessed when one choose to personally challenge another person, with the reward of credits.

The two people arena is not very commonly hosted but when it is, it's usually held for a celebration or a grave event, such as avenging a person's death. For such a game, the close friends of the participants would spectate, along with relatives or family members. This would be to uphold the honour of the participants' names.

Standing in the middle of the circular arena, I can see everyone. The seats are rounded along the battlefield and they're filled with familiar faces that stare down at me with curiosity. I find my mother with her wide eyes, her hand ensared by my father's long arms as they clutch each other, the anxiety awfully naked on their faces. Not too far, Lex drapes himself along one of the seats, a bored expression on his features. But I see through the mask and the wandering eyes that feast the scene with a tinge of irritation is oblivious to the tension on his face.

I'm standing on a circular pod, trying to survey the surroundings despite knowing full well that it's futile. The arena before battle is always devoid of elements. Only when the battle begins, does the scenery start to unfold. It is based on a roll of a dice to reduce biaseness. My skin itch with an unexplainable sensation and my fingers roam towards the belt that hangs by my waist. The array of weapons sit upon the leather lazily, waiting to be used and thrown. I'm shaking on the spot as I turn my gaze to Cooper who has his eyes fixed on me. Catching my gaze, he shoots me a thin lipped smile that makes me inhle sharply.

I turn away and look back to Lex who's no longer glancing around, hopelessly distracting himself. He's studying the side of his palms with a curious expression on his face but I notice the way his hands tremble and the way his fingers shake as they trace the thin calluses.

"Are both participants ready?" From overhead, where the speakers settle along the glass roof comfortably, a voice blares. It's an ordinary AI without an owner. I can tell by the lack of emotion the the steady rhythm in its tone.

I nod and stretch my palms out by my sides, trying to ease the tension aching in my hands. Sweat is beginning to stick along my arm, like an annoying second layer of skin.

From the other end, Cooper gives a roar of confirmation and the noise sends a shiver arching down my spine.

"Both participants prepare to engage in battle on my count of three. Three, two..."

I hold my breath.


The circular holding disappears and my vision is swamped with greenery. Dark, thick undergrowth cut across my ankles and shadows filter the ground. Trees laden with heavy sets of thick, lush canopy beat black stains along my skin and I leap off my podium while swiftly scanning my surroundings. We're in a forest, seemingly overgrown and untouched by cruel logger hands. Despite the dense forestry, I don't instantly reach for my long dagger that I'm certain will be able to sloce through most of the leafy obstructions. Doing so will only leave a perfect trail for Cooper to trace back to me. No, I have to navigate this forest without any assistance of my weapons.

I pick my way through the grounds, trying to tread as softly as possible. Overhead, I can barely see the sky. The glass is gone, replaced with a blue portrait, streaked with white masses that drift across lazily. I wonder if Lex is able to see where Cooper and I are right now, and if he's silently yelling at me to move. Or if he thinks I currently have the upper hand and should make a move.

Three Degrees Of Danger (2019)Where stories live. Discover now