road trip buddies

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the sound of her alarm clock startled shen yue awake. she rubbed her eyes and checked what time it is. 3.45am. she contemplated the snooze button for a while but in the end decided against it. she'd just sleep on the flight later. her manager said he'd be here by 4.30. she should get up and get ready. 
a smiled crossed her face when she remembered what day it was.
"the day i'm gonna see wang hedi again, thats what!"
this was the reason she couldnt sleep til well past 1am last night. the excitement was almost unbearable for her heart.

she immediately washed her face and was about to take a quick shower when her phone beeped. she opened the message from her manager and had to do a double take.
"are you done getting ready? something's come up. i wont be coming to get you. someone else will be there in my place. safe flight and have fun!."

"hmmm this is weird."
she was about to call him when she saw the time on her phone. 4.07am. okay, maybe the call could wait. she really needed to finish getting ready.
she's meeting didi today! who cares whos coming to drive her there!
the sound of a car honk made her jump a little. she had just finished drying her hair and was doing one final check to make sure she wasnt forgetting anything. whoever it was who came to get her had great timing. 

she grabbed her bag and suitcase and went down to the entrance of her building where she found 2 vans waiting for her with their headlights shining right into her face. she squinted and frowned as someone got out from a van and started to walk towards her. "wait. is that..? is that who i think it is?"

"road trip? what road trip? what do you mean by road trip? i dont get it, i mean seriously, WANG HEDI! wtf are you talking about explain yourself i swear to --"

"whoah. yueyue. are you okay? calm down, buddy. breathe. inhale. exhale. inhale. exhale. there. feeling better?"

"yeah. thanks. sorry about that. i havent really slept and i thought you said we were gonna take a car all the way to arxan.”

“i did. we’re driving there.”

“no. come on. it's gonna take forever. you cant be serious.”

“as a heart attack. and it's only 20 hours. come on, shen yue. get excited! ROAD TRIP BABY!”

“can you be serious for a minute please, didi. i’m going on no road trip. i’m going on a 7am flight and youre supposed to take me to the airport. ”

“i AM serious. look, yueyue. we WERE gonna take that flight but now we’re not anymore. we’re all going to take a car there. ”

“what? nobody told me.”

“well ... i wanted to surp--"”

“i knew it! you have something to do with this dont you? spill!”

“yes and no. i mean i did ask them if there is any way we could go some other way to arxan. they thought about it and realized they could have so much extra footage from the trip, they agreed immediately.

“huh? why did you ask in the first place?”

"ugh. i dont know. i’m just so sick of being at the airport. it’s getting crazier and crazier every time. i love my fans but there were times when they really freaked me out.”

“oh. sorry to hear that, di. i saw the videos. it does look a little crazy out there. but hey, that means people love you!”

“yes and i’m really grateful for that. but you know... i could use a break, man.”

“okay. i can understand that. but didi, i cant possibly go with you guys.”

“why not? come on, yueyue. just get in the car already. look! everyone is waiting for you.”

“but... i’m only a guest. it’ll be weird for me to go with you guys from the get go. i’m sure the writers didnt want it to be this way.”

“we already talked about it. we have 2 vans. and only 1 is rigged with cams. so anytime they need to shoot us, we’ll all get in that van for a few hours. the other times when we’re not shooting, you and i can hang out in the other van.”

“ i dont know about this, di.”

“oh come on, yue! dont you want to hang out for 20 hours with me? do you not miss all the fun we had on set?”

“i do. but this feels ... i mean, i dont know the others yet. i've never even met them and to just get in a car and spend 20 hours with them in such small space... it’s just--”

“so you'll meet them today! theyre all easy going and nice. you'll like them."

"but still --

"dont you miss me? coz i miss you. a lot. like crazy sometimes. and i was REALLY looking forward to spending time off camera with you.”

“ .............. okay then. which van should i get on?”

“YESSS. here we go. ROAD TRIP BABY!”

because she did miss him. like crazy sometimes too. and she was willing to do anything to spend time with him. including being trapped in a car with strangers for 20 hours.


author's note:

like the one before in the previous chapter, this fic was written because of that first diyue arxan flight that never was.  they never showed at the airport and i joked on twitter something like, "heh. does this mean theyre driving to arxan?! road trip, baby!".  then taojie actually updated her weibo with a photo of didi, kido and wuyi (i think it was 3 of them, i cant remember now), all asleep in the backseat of a car. and then there was speculation if yy was on that drive with them (remember the video?). again, i mused about diyue on a  road trip and a friend asked me to write a fic about the whole thing. and so i tried to. and this is what came out. i sent it to her and promptly never showed anyone else. and here we are.

i re-read it and it wasnt half a horrible as i remembered it to be. so perhaps i shouldve posted it. oh well.

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