because, coffee.

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as clichéd as this may sound but i met her at a time when i least expected to meet someone.

i wasn't happy. but i wasn't unhappy, if that makes sense. in any case, i guess i was happy enough with how life was going and i wasn't expecting anyone to change that status quo.

i was alone. and i was fine. occassionally a little lonely. but who isn't right?

then i bumped into her. literally. i was running late to an appointment and i turned a corner and my chest ran straight into her cup of coffee. she dropped her stuff, a thick manila folder and her purse, while i was left blowing into my shirt which by then had a brown coloured stain blooming on it.

she was on her knees picking up her things when she looked up at me and i was stunned by one of the clearest pair of eyes i've ever seen. they were like black jewels, solidified oil. i looked into her eyes and i thought i saw galaxies in them.

she looked away first and continued gathering her scattered belongings. i snapped out of my reverie and immediately kneeled down to help her. as we were both crouched there trying to get her papers back into the folder, i cleared my throat and tried to make conversation.

at the sound, she looked my way and before i could say anything, said," thats okay. it was my fault too. i was trying to remember my lines."

"excuse me?"

"you were gonna apologize for crashing into me, weren't you?"

"well aren't you presumptous?"

"excuse me?"

"you just admitted that YOU bumped into me because you werent paying attention."

"i did not!"

"yes you did!"

"i said i was trying to remember my lines!"

"translation: i wasn't paying attention."

"whatever, jerk."

at that, she quickly stood up and promptly walked away leaving me completely baffled at the conversation that just transpired. i really did mean to apologize. why did i contradict her?

the vibration of my phone brought me back to reality; my agent had been trying to reach me. i looked at the time and cursed. i ended up running all the way to my appointment.





i stood on the stage and squinted at the few people in the audience. there were sounds of papers being shuffled accompanied by static audio feedback before someone finally spoke.

"okay, mister .... wang? please refer to the script in your hands. you'll be reading the part highlighted in green. the understudy for the main female character, miss shen yue, will be reading opposite you."

"got it."

i quickly scanned the page to get a feel of the scene as i waited for my partner to come on stage. moments later, i heard erratic footsteps approaching.

i looked up from my paper and there she was. the girl from this morning's disaster. my jaw slackened in surprise and i couldnt help but stare at her eyes again which, as impossible as this may sound, were bigger than they had been earlier. she was staring back at me and her mouth was moving but no sound was coming out.

she looked so adorable all frazzled like that and before i knew it, my lips started quirking up on their own accord.

"you!" she hissed.

my smile broke into my signature lopsided grin and i winked at her. i was going to land this role. and i was going to get a coffee date with her.

suddenly, life was about to get a lot more interesting.


that was two years ago today. i am marrying her tomorrow.

(13 June 2019)


author's note:

so yeah. i dont know what to make of this so i am putting this here and not in whirlwind.

some of you probably recognized this as a snippet i posted on twitter MONTHS ago. it wasnt originally written as diyue but when the story needed names, i unconsciously typed their names straight away🙈🙈

so here we are. months later. a slapdash fic that is a meet cute cliché. i hope this made you smile. see you around!

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