longer ending to "she woke up late"

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[... ]  her eyes welled. then, before she even realized what was happening, she threw her arms around him and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"hey. hey. what's wrong? why arent you halfway to singapore?"

he carefully helped her up and gently put his arms around her.

she pressed her face into his chest and started to mumble incoherently.

"hey. Yuebaby, it's okay. i'm here. whatever it is, you're okay. i'm right here. calm down."

she tilted her head back and looked at him with glassy eyes.


"whoah. slow down, baby. i'm not going anywhere. just take a deep breath and relax, okay..."

"okay ..."

"so you broke the necklace? and you missed your flight?"


"well, that's nothing to be so upset about. we can fix the necklace. and if we cant, i'll buy you a new one. heck, i'll buy ten new ones. so dont be upset anymore, all right? besides, i'm kinda glad you missed your flight. if you hadnt missed it, we wouldnt have bumped into each other like this. and i miss you too. i missed you a lot, too."

he tightened his hold on her and pressed his face on the top of her head. 

"wait, what are you doing here? your flight to bangkok isnt until tonight!"

"oh that. gigi came down with a stomach flu. the hilfiger campaign shoot got postponed. suddenly i find myself with a free day but no one to spend it with. might as well get an earlier flight and arrive early so i can rest."

"oh. what time is your fli--"

her words were interrupted by the sound of a camera shutter going off. they looked up to see a rather huge crowd had gathered around them and EVERYONE had their phones out. few even had big professional-looking cameras pointed at them. 

Dylan craned his neck, trying to find his manager. but it was HER manager that met his eyes. Yangjin jie was standing a little away from the crowd of filming fans, shaking her head. she looked resigned, but also a little relieved. he gave her a sheepish smile and mouthed, "I'm sorry."

Yangjin jie shrugged and mouthed back, " that's okay. it's about time, anyway." 

then she pulled out her phone. her star client just publicly revealed that she is dating one of asia's most sought after bachelor. she had A LOT of calls to make. 


author's note:

initially, this lil snippet was unfinished. and i was supposed to just post it as is and label it an outtake from "she woke up late" (can be found on my "whirlwind" book). but i just couldnt help myself. i tweaked, and added and edited and spent a good hour on this just so it felt like a complete piece. someone please save me from myself. 

hope this made you smile.  have a good day and thank you for all the kind words. 

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