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I hoped and prayed that she was ok. I ran full speed over to her and dropped down to pick her up. That's when I noticed who she was. Chanel Adams.

"Aye ma, wake up!" "Stay with me Chanel!"

I tried getting her to open here eyes but she didn't but she was still breathing. I picked her up and ran back to my car.

I laid her down n the backseat, jumped in the driver's seat and sped off up the street to Holmes Regional Hospital.

I didn't care that I was going to be late to school, I just wanted to make sure Chanel was ok.

As I pulled up to Holmes Regional, I didn't even try to find a parking spot. I drove up to the entrance, placed the car in park while it was still running, and jumped out. I grabbed Chanel out of the back seat and carried her into the hospital.

"Somebody please help, she's been shot!" I shouted. Doctors appeared within seconds placing her on it and rushing her to the back.

As I was about to walk off, a doctor came up to me. I explained everything that I saw and he assured me she would be ok and he will do everything he can for her.

"What's your name, young man? I'm sure she would like to know who brought her to the hospital." The doctor asked.

"Tell her, her best friend brought her in, she'll know its me." I said as I walked out of the hospital.

I walked out of the hospital with thoughts of Chanel on my mind. I decided to head home and get out of my bloody clothes.

I still had time to make it to first period, I don't want to go to school. But, I know if I don't I can't play in tomorrow's game.

I arrived home and quickly showered and threw on something decent. And headed back to school.

I hope she's ok....

(2 and a half hours later)

I woke up with a massive headache. I panicked checking my surroundings.

That's when it hit me that I am in a hospital room, laying on a hospital bed, with an IV in my arm.

Who brought me here,? How did I get here? I thought. What happened?

Blue Cadillac. I remembered.

I begin to feel afraid and scared. I was just trying to go-to school.

What did I do to deserve this?

Then, I remembered the drug dealers that were on the same block that I was on.

I got caught in the crossfire. Which ended up in me getting shot. I started thinking the worst.

Is the bullet still in me?? Are the dealers who shot me going to come after me??

I lay on the bed trying to get comfortable when I hear a knock on the door. Thinking about the mysterious voice I heard calling my name as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

My eyes were closed so I couldn't see who it was. What surprised me was he knew my name.

Somebody knows me. He knows me.

"Hello, miss Adams, my name is Dr. Sanchez. How are you feeling?" My doctor walked in. She looked to be about 5'9, she looked like she was Caribbean and Black.

She had an accent that was very clear and defined. Her hair was straightened, it was long and thick.

"I'm not feeling too good Dr. Sanchez my side is in so much pain" I managed to get out. "Okay, I took your x-rays and may I say you are very blessed young lady.

The bullet only grazed your side. There is no permanent damage. You will just be in pain for about a week or two. And you will have a scar but that will heal in due time."

I replied with an "ok, thank you" as she proceed to walk out of the room.

"Wait?!" I slightly yelled. " How did I get to the hospital & I'm apart of the colorguard team at my school. When will I be good to get back out there?" I asked.

"Oh yes, your bestfriend brought you here, he didn't leave his name or anything because, he said you will know who I'm referring to and as for colorguard, I would say maybe 3 weeks at the most. But, you will need to come back and see me for a check up so I can make sure your ok." She responded.

"Thanks and I will" I said as she walked out to go get my discharge papers.

My bestfriend. I don't have any friends.

5 minutes later, my Aunt walks in the room with a pissed off expression on her face....

Here we go.


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