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The Next Day (Morning)


Today was Friday game day and all eyes would be on me and my team today. Everyone was excited but me. I was pretending to be excited.

Truthfully I didn't really care that much for football like my teammates did. My true passion is art and singing. Football would just be my ticket out of this crazy ass neighborhood.

"Aye Travis, Wassup my nigga?" My best friends Chris and Damien came walking up to me as I reached my locker, taking my books out for my next two classes.

"Hey guys, getting hyped for this game tonight!" I said. I was smiling but in all realness I could care less about the game.

"Me too man, hopefully soon scouts will be there tonight and aye our boy Damien had it lit yesterday!" Chris said.

"Yeah man, you made like 30 shots a quarter. Nigga,if you don't get signed something ain't right" I said.

"Thanks yall and that's why ya boy is the basketball team captain. Cause I'm the king of that shit" Damien said.

"Man whatever" Chris and I said in unison.

He laughed, "I'll catch yall later, peace niggas" Damien said.

"Alright bruh" Chris and I said. As we went out separate ways.

I know it's crazy how I expressed how much I love football and everything about me screams football. But, that is not who I truly am.

My passion is truly art and music. I believe I can sing like no one's business and I can draw and paint like no other. The only person who really knows the real is my mom.


I headed into Mr. Omari's drama class and he greeted me with a smile. "Welcome to art class Mr. King, find a seat."

Majority of them were full as I scanned the room.

I noticed a seat right next to her, I started making my way towards her.

When all of a sudden I heard, "You don't need to sit by her black ass, come sit by us."

Of course, Bianca and Ashely were in this class. "Nah, I'm good" I said and sat down next to Chanel.

"Hey Chanel" I spoke. "Hi", she said shyly and stared straight ahead at Mr. Omari who was talking about the upcoming play, that was mandatory for the class to participate in.

I tried to pay attention because I was genuinely interested in drama class.  But, I couldn't help it, my mind consumed of thoughts of Chanel...

She's so beautiful

Chanel (Flashback to this morning before school)

I woke to a poem from ThatBoyTay

Tay' s message: I've watched you since freshmen year, trying to find the courage to come near, You...

You are like no other, behind the tears and pain, happiness awaits. I know this seems strange. I'm not trying to move to fast, we can be friends. But, I'm being honest.

I care for you and admire you. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner this seemed to be the only way. In all honesty I'm just a shy dude from around the way. Crushing mad hard on you, baby girl. 😍😙

I was a bit surprised but freaked out at the same time.

I replied to Tay' s message:

Wow! That was sweet and kind of weird that you have been watching me since freshmen year. Stalker alert! Lol 😂. You could've told me though.

Tay' s message:
I'm sorry I was just too afraid to say anything to you. You're different from all the other girls at school. I couldn't even tell my friends because they wouldn't understand.

I quickly responded to his message with an "Oh", not knowing what to say next. I closed my laptop and ate the breakfast that I cooked this morning and headed off to school.

As I was walking out the door, I saw this guy walking up the street.

I didn't know him so, I proceeded to walk until he stopped me.

"Hey, um... excuse me?" He said.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Do you go to Sandal Valley High?" He asked.

"Yes" I said.
"Well, I just moved in with my Aunt Jessica and I got transferred from Beverly Hills to Sandal Valley because, I moved and I don't know anyone or even how to get to the school." He said.

Hesitantly, I suggested that he walked to school with me. We started having a casual conversation.

guess he felt comfortable with talking to me. So, he began to explain why he is now staying with his Aunt Jessica.

"Yes girl, my parents kicked me out because I told them I was gay. But, my Aunt Jessica she always knew even when I was confused. She was there at the house when they kicked me out and she told me to go pack my things because I'm coming with her. And here I am boo!" He said clapping his hands and snapping his fingers.

I laughed, "Well that's great that you are staying with your Aunt Jessica now."

"Yeah, I know" he stated.

As we walked to school together, I casually took in his appearance. He was brownskinned, and tall. He was wearing a men's jumper, a red plaid shirt with black high shoes.

He was so opened with me and he began telling me about his life. And I have no idea why? Some people just open up to others within a minute of knowing them.

I explained to him that I don't have any friends and I always get bullied by the cheer squad. I even told him about ThatBoyTay that I've been associating with.

I know, my business isn't everyone's business but he seems like a genuine nice person. I guess you can say I trust people too much.

"Oooh, honey I got me a lil suga daddy too that I met also using Fins!" He said .

I laughed. "Yeesss, he goes to Sandal Valley High and he plays on the basketball team honey!"

I just looked at him. I wonder who he is talking about?

He said the guy didn't leave a name, just his username. Which was Sexii_Lewis. Nobody knows that the dude he's talking to is gay.

I couldn't do anything but laugh trying to wreck my brain to figure out who it is.

We finally arrived at the school, he needed to go to the front office to get his schedule.
"Wait, I didn't catch what your name was" I said to him.

"I'm Kevin but you can call me Kev for short, what's your name hun?" He asked.


We agreed to meet up later and we went out seperate ways.

Meanwhile In Drama Class:

I can't believe the Travis King is sitting next to me. I shyly said "Hi" to him as he spoke to me and put all of my attention back on Mr. Omari.

He was about to give us our parts for the play when the door suddenly opened.

A wide smile spread across my face, when I saw my new found friend walking in the classroom.

Mr. Omari introduced him, "Class let's welcome our new student Kevin James"

Everyone just blankly stared at him. I on the other hand waved. There was only one seat left and that one was right behind Bianca.

He scanned the room and sat in the empty seat behind her.

Ugh! I guess I'm about to lose my new found friend.

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