1st abandoned fic

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she is jealous. there. she admitted it. in the past, she would be the last person to ever fess up to it but self-help books has taught her that dealing with her feelings is important. and acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to a resolution. isnt it? what're those damn authors' exact words again?

she shook her head and brought her attention back to her laptop screen. she couldnt believe what she was seeing. and hearing. but she guessed it was to be expected. she just couldnt believe she ever thought that there was the slightest possibility that they could be real. that the things coming out of his mouth isnt just marketing bullshit. she is an idiot. truly the universe's biggest idiot.

and there's that damn word again. universe. it's one of her favourite word dammit. he needs to stop using it so often too and let her have custody of it. she used it first!

"ah im such an idiot. stupid stupid stupid!"





author's note:

this fic was written from the theory that the interaction we see btwn them in the bts videos were staged. that it was all part of a marketing strategy to work fans into a frenzy and go crazy over the new daomingsi and shancai.

i wanna write something that throw that theory out the window. in my mind the bts may start out as staged but it doesnt mean that they didnt come to like each other for real. of course they cant date for real because fresh off mg2018, all eyes are on them.

so in this fic (that was never written), i see didi as hyping up his chemistry with his co-star after yueyue to throw off fans and the media. they will start shipping him and his new leading lady, start up all sorts of rumour between them,  AND THEN he could date yy for real. coz nobody would care and noticed, really.

this scene is the moment yy saw dd's interview where he was overselling his chemistry with his co-star and showering her with compliments. yy was fuming in jealousy only to have dd call her later on to ask her on a real date. and they live happily ever after. or so i would like to think 😊

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