Aidan Gallagher

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Warnings: sad shit. Big sad boi hours honestly.

The friend is male and you and aidan have a past

Y/n- your name
L/n- last name
H/c- hair color
E/c- eye color
H/l- hair length
S/o/m/n-  show or movie name
F/n- friends name
N/n- nick name
S/n- state name
C/n- character name
R/u- random username

Y/n's pov

"Come on F/n, we're gonna be late for the premier if you go any slower!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs to my best friend who is taking his sweet time. "I'm hurrying!" F/n yells back, walking down the stairs fumbling with his tie.

"Do you not know how to tie a tie?" I ask him, he looks up. "I do know how to tie a tie." He says offended. "Just not this tie." He mumbles. "I did not fly you from s/n for you to be messing with ties that you can't tie." I say loosening the tie and taking it from around his neck.

I place it on the back of the couch. "Now come on or we are going to be late to the Premier of The Umbrella Academy." I say grabbing his wrist, dragging him out the door to the car where my mom is waiting for us.

I get in the front seat passenger side, f/n gets in the back. "Sorry for making you wait mom." I say, my mom starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. "Someone doesn't know how to tie a tie." I say shooting f/n a glare. He raises his hands.

"Its alright, give the boy a rest he flew out here in such short notice because you wanted him to come y/n." Mom says, I let out a sigh. "I'm just a bit worked up over this, I have to be there." I say.

"Why do you have to go again?" F/n asks. "Because I got casted to be in season two as fives love interest c/n, f/n." I say, he puts a hand over his heart. "But I'm way better looking then you." He says jokingly, knowing he's gonna piss me off.

"That's it." I say un-buckling seat belt. I turn around and lunge for him. "You little bitch, you think you look better then me huh?" I say pulling his hair. "I'll make sure that isn't true." I say getting ready to punch him.

"We're here y/n, you don't want to make a scene." My mom says calmly, used to this behavior from me and him. "Yeah y/n don't wanna make a scene." He says smugly, I let got of his hair, pushing him into the seat.

"Don't forget who's house you're staying at for the next 2 weeks for quality friend time f/n." I say to him, he goes pale. I open the car door and get put, fixing my dress, my hair, and checking if my make up through my phone to make sure no one can see the bags under my eyes from not sleeping much lately.

F/n follows, getting out of the car and fixing his suit minus the tie. "We have to walk to red carpet f/n." I say as I start walking away from him. He catches up, putting his arm loosely around my shoulders. I turn my head to look at him.

"Having your arm like that will cause the people to question if we're dating f/n. We don't want that. You don't want that." I say, shrugging his arm off my shoulder. "What if I do want that?" He says joking, I raise my eyebrows at him, he starts laughing.

"Sorry I can't say something like that and not laugh." He says. "Just act normal f/n you've gone to a premier with me before." I say before we step onto the red carpet.

"Y/n, y/n, y/n." I hear as me and f/n walk down the red carpet. We get to one of the reporters we have to answer questions from. "So y/n, is it true the you and f/n are dating." I laugh at this question.

"We're just best friends." F/n and I say at the same time, the reporter nods. "What was your favorite part about filming s/o/m/n?" The reporter asks. "Probably getting to work with such an amazing cast!" I say smiling showing my dimples.

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