Geno Is A Goner

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I think octopus and afterdeath- i mean geno should have a staring contest

Nightmare & Geno: HEY-

Nightmare: I am not an octopus!!

Geno: And what the hell is AFTERDEATH supposed to mean?!

Sci: Shouldn't you know...I mean, you did realize it meant you-

Geno: *blushes a little* Th-THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE REAPER SAID IT ONCE!! It means nothing!

Error: *laughs* Wow Geno, I've never seen you so worked up!

Geno: *glares at Error*

Nightmare: Glaring at Error, hm? Aren't we supposed to be having a contest?

Geno: *rolls his eyes* Whatever...

Nightmare: *sits down at a table, and Geno sits across from him*

(Ligit about to make Bird say something about it being unfair cos Nightmare has one eye, but then I realized Geno did too lol. Also accidentally typed 'Glare' instead of 'Geno' XD)

Dance: Alright! THREE!

Killer: TWO!

Horror: ONE!!

Susie: BEGIN!

Nightmare: *glares at Geno*

Geno: *glares back*

Nightmare: *glares an even colder glare*

Geno: *glares harder*

Nightmare: *glares an even deadlier and scarier glare*

Geno: *starts to shake*

Nightmare: *glares into Geno's soul*

Geno: e-EEP!! *falls off of the chair*

Fresh: *catches him from no where*

Fresh: Woah brah! Your glaring was top-diggidy-dog! 

Geno: *groans* That...kind of physically hurt. 

Nightmare: *laughs* Yeah, that's what happens sometimes.

Geno: Then why didn't you say anything??

Error: Because it's funny, duh. 

Dust: *recorded the whole thing and giggles*

Killer: *whispers* send that to me-


Dust: Sent!!

Geno: *groans and goes back into the corner*

Dance: Well, that was fun!

Outer: *shrugs* I guess. 

Cross: *runs to Nightmare and hugs him*

Cross: Yay, you won!

Nightmare: Yeah, of course. He didn't stand a chance. 

Geno: *glares at Nightmare, but then looks away*

Nightmare: be afraid bitc-


*loudly fangirl* YAY! SHIP! I'M HAPPY FOR YOU LUST!

Lust: *blushes a little* Aw, hehe- thanks!

Horror: *blushes even more* th-thanks, or whatever...

Bird: Thanks for what?

Lust: Horror and I got engaged!!


Lust: *laughs* Haha, yeah, we just started dating. 

Outer: That's great, congrats!

Sci: Say, who is dating?

Nightmare: Cross is mine. *grabs Cross protectively*

Geno: *mumbles* Could've guess that...

Killer: I'm dating Dust! *jumps into his arms*

Dust: *almost drops Killer* wTF-

Error: I'm dating Ink, so don't hit on me. 

Susie: Dating Noelle- er, my girlfriend. You probably don't know her. 

Horror: And as you know, I'm dating Lust. *pets his head*

Horror: What about you guys?

Bird: Single and proud. 

Dance: I'm dating my Frisk! (only straight guy here I bet-)

Sci: u-Uh, I'm single as well. 

Outer: Same. *peace sign*

Geno: *mumbles something that sounds like 'single'*

Error: What about Fresh?

Fresh: Well brah-

Error: don't call me that.

Fresh: Well buddy chum pal friend amigo home slice bread slice bestie bro, 

Fresh: I'm currently a single pringle who is not ready to mingle!

Fresh: That's just unfresh brah.

Error: fsfklfslfkds-

where's reaper?

Geno: *blushes a lot* N-NO WHERE!!

Geno: It doesn't matter anyways! No one wants him here!

Horror: Really... because it doesn't seem that way... *smirks at Geno*

Geno: *grumbles and looks down, blushing*

Error: Don't deny it! You do like him!

Geno: ...

Killer: oHOHO HE DOES!!


Bird: *whispers to Cross* are they always like... this?

Cross: *smiles* Yeah, but you get used to it. They're good people- even if they act stupid and immature sometimes. 

Nightmare: Except for me. 

Cross: *hugs Nightmare's arm* Oh, you're verrrryyyy childish!

Nightmare: *pets Cross's head with a tentacle, and let's Cross hug his arm*

Dance: Hey... do you hear that sound?



*drops reapertale snas through the roof* YEET!

Reaper: aAH! *conveniently lands on Geno*

Geno: oOF! What the heck?! Whoever you are- GET OFF!! 

Geno: *tries to push Reaper off*

Reaper: *gets off and swoops Geno up*

Geno: *blushes like crazy* u-UH!!

Reaper: Hey Geno~

Geno: *pushes him away* S-Stop it!!

Horror: *wolf whistles*

Geno: *buries his face in his scarf*

Error: HAH, someone has a cruuuush!!

Geno: stooooop!!!

Reaper: Oh, now do you~

Geno: *slaps Reaper* I SAID STOP!! *teleports to the library, blushing*

Reaper: ...

Reaper: playing hard to get, huh?????- *teleports to the library as well*

Killer: well, that was a thing. 

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