2. Oh baby

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~Third Person~

"I just asked a question kid. God, you can't be nice to your Hyung and-... Are you crying?" Yoongi asks, making the younger groan even louder in irritation. Taehyung internally yells at himself for not locking the bathroom door. Apparently that wasn't something Yoongi forgot though.

"Yoongi, I n-need you to leave." Taehyung says, through gritted teeth. The older wasn't having it though. He just lazily smirked as he took out his lighter and cigarette. He strolled over to the window and courteously propped it open as he lit his cancer stick.

"Nah. Why you crying? And who's a whore? Better not be me you're talking shit about." Yoongi says with a lazy grin before taking a puff. Taehyung snorts, throwing the older a nasty look in the mirror. "None of your business and you're gonna get us in trouble." The younger says.

The senior snickers in response, blowing the puffs of grey outside for the younger's sake. "I've been smoking in the bathrooms the last three years baby boy. The teachers could care less if it's me. I'm the best." The older says, now causing Taehyung to laugh.

"God, can you not be cocky for once?" He says, whipping around to look at the older. "Oh I'm very cocky." Yoongi smirks, causing Tae to gag. "Unfortunately I've seen." The junior responds, making Yoongi remember why he came into the bathroom in the first place.

"Oh yeah. That. You haven't told anyone right?" Yoongi says, looking at the younger with a dead serious expression. "Of course not. It wouldn't be good for any of us honestly." Tae says, and Yoongi hums. "You don't support your friend?" The older asks, his voice dark.

Loyalty. Is Yoongi's most important trait in a person. He knows Hoseok would support him if he knew... Hell Hoseok would help him drag and bury a dead body.

Taehyung immediately shakes his head, making Yoongi almost want to laugh at his puppy-like features. "No. I-It's not that. I just don't want others to hurt him. If people find out then it could be bad." The younger explains, and the senior takes a long drag.

Yoongi looks into Tae's brown orbs and raises a brow. "Are you worried I will hurt him?" Yoongi asks, and Tae hesitates to answer. The senior laughs at that, his lips curling in amusement. "Don't worry kid. We both know it's just for pleasure." The senior clarifies, raising a brow when Tae makes a dramatic sigh.

"Jimin will end up liking you." Taehyung states so confidently, Yoongi almost choked on the smoke. He puts out his cigarette with a few coughs and shakes his head. "I'm not that type of guy. If I think Jimin... likes me... I'll end our favors, okay?" Yoongi says, almost sounding uncomfortable at the mention of romantic feelings.

"Now back to you kid. Who's a whore and why are you blubbering?" The older asks, causing Tae's shoulders to fall. "Can't we just pretend-" "No." "You're gonna make fun of me-" "You don't know that. I'm not always an asshole-" "I don't want to-" "Too bad."

The younger groaned almost screaming in frustration as his dam broke. "Jimin and I fought because of my concern over you two. Jimin sometimes has trouble saying nasty things when he gets mad. He brought up my ex and my purity and just everything I've worked so hard to keep down." Tae spits out fast, breathing heavily as his eyes sting.

"I know Jimin probably feels like shit now but he needs to learn to apologize. I can't just keep forgiving him for using my weakness against me. I've tried so hard to get over that- that whore! I gave her fucking everything Hyung and it still-" Tae's voice cracks on his sob as he looks up into the shocked senior's eyes.

"Wasn't enough! I'm n-not enough. Everyone keeps telling me to get over it and that it's just a high school crush. Then why does my heart hurt so b-bad? I think about her beautiful b-body under mine and wonder how she could fucking say she loved me and moan someone else's name-"

The younger was cut off by a soft pair of lips. Taehyung just relaxed into the older's kiss, letting Yoongi's mouth take all of his worries away. The senior pulled away, cupping and wiping away the younger's tears.

"M'sorry. I don't know what to say." Yoongi says, continuing small physical affections and even holding Tae's hand. At first Tae wanted to rip himself away from the older but his affections felt pleasant. "It's okay." Tae says softly, actually enjoying and calming to the older's soft touch. "Although you taste like an ash tray." The younger adds, making the senior chuckle.

"Well that's what happens when you smoke." He responds huskily, giving small kisses to Taehyung's now closed eye lids. He's starting to understand maybe why Jimin may like this physical stuff so much even if it's with another boy. "They will kill you. Maybe not right away but eventually they will kill you. They are death in a stick." The younger says, maybe just trying to distract himself from his thoughts.

Yoongi pauses his movements, causing Taehyung to open his eyes at the sudden stiffness. The older looks like he's debating whether or not to say something. He smiles a little, running a hand in Tae's silk hair.

"Maybe... that's the point..."


Jimin was furious. He didn't exactly have a right to be angry but he was. Yoongi and Taehyung had walked into Basketball practice... together. Both of them. Together. To Jimin it just didn't make sense. Obviously it wasn't just him as Hoseok raised a brow.

"Hey Yoongles-" "Hyung, you disrespectful shit." The older responds, smirking as Taehyung laughs. Hoseok smiles at Yoongi's demeanor and at Tae's cute laugh as well. "Interesting. Didn't know you two were close?" Hoseok says, dribbling his ball and giving them a perverted kind of look.

"Why? Jealous?" Yoongi says, taking the ball off of Hoseok and running away with it. The captain chases after the shooting guard, leaving Tae by himself to laugh at their goofiness. He's more than surprised and a little anxious to have Jimin tap on his shoulder.

"Hi best friend who's been ignoring me to all of a sudden walk in with the person he told me to stay away from. How you've been?" Jimin sasses, crossing his arms. Taehyung purses his lips, clearly not having it today.

"Don't put words in my mouth Park. Jealousy doesn't not do you any good and only proves what I was worried about." The younger says, stunning the older into a fuming mess. "What the fuck you mean?! You're literally such a hypocrite-"

"Hey boys! Not here. It's my time." The coach whom just arrived says, blowing his whistle and leaving to round up Yoongi and Hoseok.

Tae just turns back to Jimin and shakes his head. "Hypocrite? Yoongi never stuck his dick up my ass Park. He just comforted me when I needed someone. You're the one who always wants me to be there for you but can't even say sorry to me. Go fuck yourself." Taehyung says, actually swearing at Jimin before walking off to get his water bottle.

Jimin almost exploded, seeing red. He gripped his hair, having an internal but almost external meltdown only to notice two other team mates looking at him with wide eyes. "You... alright there Jimin?" Namjoon asks, looking at Jimin like he's a madman while Jin just looks away from him.

The junior panics, thinking the two could have possibly heard what Tae had. "Oh y-yeah! We're just having a friend fight is all. Just like every other week." Jimin says, laughing while throwing his hands about. Namjoon and Jin both laugh at his attempt to downplay it but say nothing more.

Jimin walks off thinking that if they heard it or believed it then they would have reacted so much differently. "They probably thought it was a joke." Jimin mumbles to himself, wiping his forehead with a "woo".

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