16: Please

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~Third Person~

It was different now. Anyone could tell the two had a new energy between them. It was especially apparent on the court as they couldn't help but look at one another constantly. The biggest difference though...

It was Min Yoongi.

The sarcastic smoking asshole now smiled... A LOT. If Hoseok made him laugh before... well now Jung might as well become a full time comedian. Every time he looked at Hoseok. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. His cheeks tinged pink. His gummy smile wide and happy for all to see. No smirk. No scowl. And less smoke.

Min Yoongi... is fucking adorable. And it was heavily messing with the other five team mates.

"Look Namjoon... they're doing it again." Jin comments, smiling at the other two seniors. The two were in deep conversation as smiles were etched into their face while their eyes never wavered. "Jin for the last time... Stop prying. Who cares if they're dating-"

"Who's dating?" Jungkook asks, approaching with Taehyung and Jimin by his sides. Namjoon instantly looks at Jin with a "this is your fault" expression while the older bites his lip. He doesn't want to lie but... Jimin...

"I thought that Sunhee and Taeyong were dating but I'm not-" "Don't lie. It's okay Hyung." Jimin interrupts, his eyes never leaving Hoseok and Yoongi. "Jimin, we don't know anything for certain." Namjoon says softly, patting the Junior's shoulder.

  "He's said nothing to me since that day on the courts. Anyone could see he's not interested in me anymore." Jimin says, his eyes now lingering on the smile that's directed towards someone else. A genuine and happy... smile. All Jimin ever got was a smirk or a cheeky grin.

   "Doesn't matter if we don't know the full truth. The fact is that he never looked at me like I was his whole world..."


    Jimin felt the air itching to escape him but he just couldn't let the breath out. He felt he'd never breathe again. His lungs would fill with water from his tears and he'd drown. A couple lockers down there stood the supposed couple.

  They didn't have to kiss. Jimin could just tell from where Hoseok's eyes lingered that it wasn't just friendly. "I'll go get my phone from principal Kim and we can go. I was thinking Wendy's and then my house." Hoseok says, making Yoongi chuckle.

   Jimin had to hold on tightly to his locker not make a sound at the words "my house" had implied in his brain. "How'd you even get it taken anyway idiot?" Yoongi laughs, pulling on his jeans. "I was texting you in class, idiot. I should go now before he leaves with it. See you in a bit." Hoseok says, his tone rather soft and maybe sultry towards the end as he leaves the locker room.

   Jimin felt sick. It was just them. It was him and Min Yoongi all alone. Jimin sneaked a peak and instantly regretted it. The shirtless boy was smiling big as he shook his head. Lovestruck. Yoongi looked lovestruck.

  But as if he could feel the younger's eyes on him, Yoongi turned to Jimin. His wide gummy smile turning into a neutral expression. "Oh. Jimin. Hey." He greeted simply. The Senior didn't even wait for a reply as he quickly threw on his shirt.

  He collected his belongings while Jimin stood frozen. Yoongi closed the locker and looked at Jimin. "Well I should get going-" "How long?" Yoongi was taken aback by the interruption. Mildly concerned and freaked at how Jimin was looking at him while still half naked.

  "Um... how long... does it take to get to a center of a tootsie pop?" Yoongi jokes, even more worried when Jimin groans. "I just don't understand. Why me Yoongi? If you liked him then why'd you lead me on?" Jimin says in a rush, his disappointment apparent as he hurriedly gets dressed.

  It was Yoongi's turn to be frozen in place. Fear and guilt rooting him in place as Jimin continued. "It's just so unfair. You never even gave me a fair chance. You put up this tough sarcastic act and expect me to understand you. It's hard to understand when you can't even tell me what you want from me." Jimin says, shaking his head and all emotion from his voice.

  "I know I'm easy. I know I'm moody. I know I'm not the sweetest person ever but..." Jimin looks up and into the older's eyes. "I don't think I deserve this." Jimin says, his chest aching with each word. "There was no need to string me along." Jimin says, zipping up his bag and shutting the locker.

  He turns towards the still silent senior with the neutral expression. "Don't you have anything to say?" Jimin asks, lowkey upset at his silence. Yoongi breathes in deeply and looks at the floor. "It won't do any good. There's nothing I could say." Yoongi says, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

  "That's such a bullshit excuse-" "It's not. I could lie and agree with your accusations. I could say I picked you on purpose and meant hurt you so that you'd hate me... but I just can't. Hoseok and Taehyung would kill me and the team would fall apart." Yoongi says, watching how Jimin's mouth falls a little.

  "I could get angry and blame you for this. It wasn't just me who denied whatever this was. It wasn't just me who kept secrets. You aren't innocent in this either..." Yoongi says, making Jimin's blood boil. "Wait a fucking second- "

  "Or I can tell you the truth." Yoongi says, quieting the younger. Yoongi bites his lip. "You're right about me liking Hoseok before but I buried those feelings because I thought nothing would come of it. We kissed a couple of times but it was only when I was drunk." Yoongi chuckles, a fond smile forming at Hoseok's name.

  "As for yourself... I was experimenting at first but... I just kept going back to you. I never did that with anyone else. At one point I had genuine feelings but... so much had happened and..." Yoongi trails off, looking up at Jimin.

  "I don't think we could fix it. I don't think we are able to trust each other." He states. It was barley an opinion at this point. More like a straight fact. They barley knew anything about each other.

  And just like Yoongi said the truth didn't help. It stung just as bad as before if not, even more. Jimin shook his head though, the itching of nasty words stinging his throat. "Hoseok... he's straight." Jimin responds.

  Yoongi stiffens at the mention of Hoseok's name, raising a brow. "Out of both of us here... who do you think really knows his sexuality? Park, why do insist on knowing everything-"

  "My name is Jimin and I'm guessing that's just your fetish now." Jimin snaps, crossing his arms. "I hope you don't get him pregnant-" "Shut the fuck up!" Yoongi growls, charging only to be held back. Both Namjoon and Hoseok hold the crazed shooting guard. Their other five team mates kept them separated as they struggle.

"You fucking piece of shit. You know nothing about me. Nothing. You sit here and cry about me not loving your psycho ass-" "Yoongi, stop it. It's not worth it." Hoseok coaches, attempting to calm him down. Taehyung goes to Jimin pushing him back and urging him to be quiet as a teacher overheard them in first place.

  "You're just pissed cause it's true. I bet if I kept it then you'd be with me-" "No. I wouldn't Jimin! I'd be there for my child, not you. You'd know that if you actually loved or cared about me!" Yoongi says, his anger turning into sadness. Jimin stops fighting as he watches the sincerity blooming in Yoongi's pleading gaze.

   "You've got Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin. I need Hoseok. I'm happy. Please Jimin..." Yoongi basically begs.


       "Let me be happy."

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