22: Unhappy

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~Third Person~

"Go the fuck away." Jungkook says, trying to slam the door but Jimin puts his foot in it. "Open up fuckface. I need your help. It's about Tae." Jimin says, feeling a little hopeful when Jungkook opens the door. The youngest rolls his eyes but allows Jimin to come inside.

He follows Jungkook to the living room and sighs as the youngest just plops onto the sofa. "What?" Jungkook spits, earning a look from Jimin. "I don't know why but I thought you could help me with Tae. He wants to be in an actual relationship." Jimin says, making Jungkook snort.

"So you can fuck him but can't be more than friends with benefits? Guess I was right." Jungkook chuckles, annoying Jimin. "Shut up. I just don't want to lie to him or hurt him anymore." Jimin says, making the younger turn serious. Jungkook raises a brow in question and Jimin huffs.

"I know for a huge fact that he doesn't love me more than a friend. He was totally into you. Well... into who you pretended to be. I really hate admitting that because you're an asshole but it's the truth. Still, I'm the same way." Jimin says, and Jungkook bites his lip.

"The same way? As in you're pretending to be someone else?" Jungkook asks, and Jimin half shakes his head. "I can be myself with Tae. He knows everything about my bitchy ass. However, I am lying to him about this relationship thing. Just like him... I'm..." Jimin was having trouble continuing as his eyes started to water. Admitting things was hard for him.

"Oh god. Don't cry. Are you crying?" Jungkook asks, earning a laugh from the older. "Shut up coconut looking bitch." Jimin responds, making both of them laugh as Jungkook shouts out a "Hey!". Jimin calms down and breathes out. He looks straight into Jungkook's eyes and admits his truth. "I'm not over Yoongi." He says, then causing everything to spill out.

"I hate it. I can't get away from him. I hate it so fucking much. I hate missing his ugly ass. I hate liking him. I don't even understand why I like him so much. I don't understand how it was so easy for him to just up and move on. It fucking hurts to breath when I think about him. My stomach hurts and I can't eat when I think about... things that happened between us. I can barely keep from crying when he smiles at Hoseok because he never ever looked at me like that. I can't sleep because..." He says, choking up.

"I keep w-wondering if it would have b-been a daughter or son." Jimin admits, looking at Jungkook who stares back at him with tears in his eyes too. He knows the pain Jimin is feeling.

"How am I supposed to explain this to Taehyung? He hated me with Yoongi and he was there for me the entire time after all of our fighting. He saw me at my worst. He still stuck by me after I said the worst possible things I could manage in order to hurt him. If he can do all that for me... can't I suck it up and do this one thing for him?" Jimin says, and Jungkook nods.

"Jimin... I know you want to make him happy but... he's not. It sounds like he's trying to get over me with you. That's not fair to either of you. To be honest... I don't like you at all. Still, I'm worried about you." Jungkook says, biting his lip.

"Tell him the truth..."


"Hey Tae, do you think we can-" Jimin cuts himself off as all sorts of emotions run over his face. He figured he'd just talk to Taehyung after practice by himself in the locker room. Texting him or hanging out might lead to... some other things. It seemed like everyone had left so Jimin went back inside.

However, to see the younger boy flirting it up with the one person that was off limits made fires burn in his eyes as his stomach turned. Their closeness, their subtle looks, and their hushed words had made this conversation look anything but innocent.

What made it worse?

"Ohhh Jimin. Hey, didn't see ya there. I thought you had left." Taehyung greets, unable to sound natural. It was always obvious when Tae was uncomfortable or lying. Something was going on here.

As Jimin's eyes flickered from him to Taehyung, he felt his heart breaking him from the inside. "Yeah... I wanted to talk to you but... I can see you're busy." Jimin says, looking at the younger with a clearly unhappy expression.

"Nothing's going on Park. We were just chatting. Don't get mad at him." Yoongi says, pushing the knife in further. "Please Yoongi. Don't. You're just making it worse." Jimin says softly, closing his eyes.

"Jimin, What is it? Are you okay?" Taehyung asks in concern. Jimin shook his head, trying to block out everything around him. He didn't want any word vomit to come up. He didn't want to hurt anyone or be hurt anymore.

"Jimin, we were just talking. I was asking him about Hoseok, that's all." Taehyung says, not helping the situation as the name rings around in Jimin's head. Hoseok. The one person he could never be for Yoongi. He knew even him and Tae's relationship couldn't be like that.

They couldn't go from best friends to lovers like them. They were just substitutes. He knew that. He couldn't even be that person for Taehyung and it hurt him to feel so useless. So when the hurtful words burned his throat he couldn't hold it back anymore.




"I'm not a replacement for J-Jungkook!" Jimin says, the tears free flowing down his face as he watches the surprise blossom on Tae's face. With a quick spin the junior leaves the locker room...

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