12: Tough Love

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~ Third Person~

"I still say we should just ask him about it. You look like you don't care." Hoseok says, causing the other senior to groan as he misses the basket. "Hoseok... I like you a lot but please.... I need to you to let it go." Yoongi states, looking into the older's eyes with a pleading stare.

"Yoongi, haven't you noticed? He's talking to Namjoon and Jin a lot now but they seem weird around us. He's also friends with Jungkook and Taehyung again. Don't you want that too? I see you look at him all the time. We look like fools being on the outside-" The other senior holds up his hands for the captain to stop.

"Isn't that good? I'm sorry but I don't see the issue. He's happy and has friends. I still have you. I don't need anything else." Yoongi says, shooting again only to miss. Hoseok shifts his ball around and raises a brow.

"You are a terrible liar you know... I can tell it's getting to you and I know you really care about him. Face it. It's not just sex that was between you two-" Yoongi turns to Hoseok with a look. "It was. That's all it was. I don't hate the kid but there's nothing else there." Yoongi mutters, his face neutral while his eyes tell a different story.

"Stop lying to yourself. You're just hurting even more when you do that. Yoongi, you haven't been with anyone since him. It's obvious." The Captain mumbles, starting to get pissed with the others attitude.

"Hoseok, He was just a fuck-" "Clearly he wasn't if you hit him up more than once and cared enough to ask if he was okay. You've never done that with anyone else." Hoseok says, annoyed by Yoongi's stubbornness.

The other senior scowls, unwilling to deal with this. "Listen, it's whatever. Everything will be over-" "You are a coward." Hoseok spits, surprising the other as he looks into the younger senior's eyes. This is the second time the younger has called him this.

"You finally found something and you're just gonna let it go. You're gonna hurt yourself now because you're scared." The Captain scoffs, shaking his head. "I'm not scared-" "Bullshit. You'd be banging chicks and sucking dicks if you were as unaffected as you say. You're scared of being rejected or things falling apart. Plus you've already hurt him and you're afraid to do it again because you care." The younger states in a whisper, cutting the older deep as he clenches his jaw.

"Just talk to him-" "No." Yoongi responds coldly. "Why not-" "Because! Just let it the FUCK go will you?! I was and am fine! I don't need this, okay?!" Yoongi explodes, wiping the ball hard as he turns to leave the now silent gym.

"Hey! Min! Hey wait-" The coach cuts himself off when boy exits now turning to Hoseok with a "WTF was that" face. The team captain groans, throwing his own basketball somewhere as he puts his face in his hands. A voice that speaks up only half surprises him.

"What was that about? Is he good?" Jimin asks, earning some weird, uncomfortable, and lowkey angry looks at his concern. Hoseok, however, was thrilled. It confirmed what he thought. It was more to both of them.

"Jimin..." Hoseok sighs, placing a hand on the smaller's shoulder. "Would you please just tell him the the truth?" Hoseok asks, earning a surprise gasp from the junior. Jin steps forward, gently taking Hoseok's hand off of Jimin before Taehyung could rip it away.

"Listen, as much as I understand what you're trying to do... too much has happened. It's also Jimin's decision whether or not he wants to." The oldest of them says, giving Jimin's back an encouraging pat. Hoseok frowns at this, pushing back his sweaty hair with a stressed sigh.

"Well... I don't think Yoongi will come to him. He's too worried about the outcome but... I know that he's already not good." The captain admits. "Maybe it's for the best to just leave it alone." Namjoon says, shrugging his shoulders. "Definitely." Taehyung agrees in a sassy tone only to be nudged by Jungkook.

"I'm sorry Hoseok but I can't. At least not now." Jimin admits, earning a soft sympathetic smile. "It's okay. I'm sorry to have asked that of you." The senior responds. However, all the boys stiffen as their coach walks up and looks at them.

"Didn't know this is a party and not practice. Already lost my shooting guard cause of your gossip and drama. If you don't wanna stay another hour I suggest you start doing some layups." The coach says in amusement.

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