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"I have an idea!"  Svajonė says to Hatter as she moves the mannequin in her hands he looks up at her and smiles then asks "what's your idea!?!"  she replies "if I remember correctly you were always quite quick when it came to your work.... what if we dress this mannequin up as you and you do what you refused to do before and give Mally a ride on your hat as we leave this place.... Alice is going to need you Tarrant!.... not in the way that I need you but.... you are her friend and she's going to need all the support she can get from those she calls a friend no matter which world they come from!.... her friend is strong but Alice is going to need your madness!"   he stands up and walks over to her then asks softly "how do you need me!?!"  she replies "I think you know.... but that's a matter for another time.... shall we!?!"   she waves towards his work station he smiles and they walk over together then work out their plan together making the clothes and hat then dressing up the mannequin to look like him then leave the castle hand in hand the dormouse happy as a clam sitting on Hatter's hat as they head towards Marmoreal.... Hatter rode on a horse who's color matched his hair it even had the same color eyes as his it was the same with Svajonė Hatter stopped and turned when he saw her stop moving forward upon her horse and well just stopped moving completely he turned his horse around and looked at her then asks "what are you doing!?!"  she replies "the twins, the rabbit.... all those people and the other animals I can't just leave them!.... but don't you worry.... I won't be alone!"  just then he heard a horse galloping in their direction and he turns his head to see Chitose riding on a horse that was the color of her hair and eyes Hatter smiles and says "of course you won't!.... I'll be coming with you!"  her eyes widen and she replies with a soft surprised voice that just about says "oh no you don't!" "Tarrant!!"  he rides over to her so that their horses were now side by side, leans to the side and kisses her lips as though that would get her to do anything he wished to do.... which to be honest it just might! have you ever been kissed by a Hatter!?! *fans face with hands and swoons*.... "all that work!"  she whispers he laughs which makes her smile and the three of them ride back to Salazen Grum "back to normal size I see"  Svajonė says to Chitose as they ride "yes"   Chitose replies "how's Alice?!"  Hatter asks "still slightly Alice.... she doesn't realize she's no longer dreaming.... she used to call memories of this place a nightmare.... but only because they came to her in dreams"   Chitose replies but she stops when she sees the Hatter become sad "remember Hatter.... in dreams ANYTHING can happen! perhaps if she still believes this is a dream she will start to believe that anything is possible here as well.... I know it would be better if she realized that it's all real! but who's to say she would believe half of the things that have happened to her are truly possible!.... our world IS much different from yours and even there far too many things are expected of us.... mostly because we're female and our lives in many ways don't truly matter here she has a voice.... one that people actually listen to.... there.... she'd be told to not speak because of half the thoughts that run through her head.... she could learn to be less bossy though.... she's starting to sound like her mother!"  Chitose mutters her last sentence then pauses looking down at her hands then up at Hatter she starts to ask "Hatter....!?!"   Hatter looks at her and asks "yes!?!"  Chitose replies "do you think I'm from here!?!.... her dreams were constant it was pretty much the only dream she ever had.... like it was a message!.... giving her clues to what she must do when she gets here.... who she can and cannot trust!.... I don't think she was ever truly afraid of them they were just.... odd! our rabbits don't wear waistcoats, our cats don't grin like the Cheshire cat nor do they disappear and reappear at will.... and they most certainly don't talk in our language!.... I mean who's to say that they aren't speaking in their own language but we most certainly don't understand them like we do here.... she used to tell her father and me of them I always found them fascinating!.... I always wanted to come here!.... not to get away.... I love my family! I just never felt like I "fit" in our world but I would do ANYTHING for my family!.... even Alice.... for even though we aren't related by blood she's still family!.... there is beauty everywhere here!.... even in the darkest reaches of this place.... little shreds of beauty peeking through the dark.... it's uniquely strange and absolutely wonderful!.... you call this place Underland she called it Wonderland!.... she was always the curious sort.... asking questions that she would be told "were not meant to be asked".... always wondering about "odd" things.... flying and such.... a dreamer within her own dream.... even if I'm not from here I feel as though I'm supposed to stay!.... it's odd.... I think.... I think I.... LOVE him!.... I hardly know him but.... I LOVE him!.... after all.... that's the only thing one needs right!?!.... love!.... I don't think he's ever had it before!.... we talked and yet we never said a word!.... it's strange.... I know him and yet.... I don't and I still love him!.... a stranger!.... the "enemy".... lost and alone and....!"  she sighs then says "never mind.... perhaps even I don't know what I'm talking about!"  Hatter looks at her sadly but doesn't say a word for by the time she finished they had reached their destination "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!"  Chitose says when they reach the front gate Hatter smiles then repeats her words "Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!"  and the three of them ride their horses inside the castle once more galloping the whole way.... to their surprise the queen had it all set up for a beheading "you and Mally weren't there so why....!?!.... do you think she's beheading the mannequin!?!"  Svajonė asks Hatter and Chitose laugh....

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