When Past Is Present And Present Is Past

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"Come Alice we're going to be late and there's someone who wishes to see you!"  Alice hears Chitose's voice say during the Ascot's Banquet and she could have sworn she felt her friend pull her away from her conversation with her mother.... she had been seeing her friend ever since she and her mother entered the Ascot estate and believed that she was just imagining things.... she felt her friend leave her once she lead her to the garden where she met Absolem and she saw her again when she followed Absolem into Hamish's office and through mirror.... "you silly girl!"  Chitose teases as Alice climbs up onto the mantle and through the mirror after Absolem flew through.... "ever late as always hmm Alice!?!.... here you are sir knight!"  Chitose says as she hands a piece of Humpty Dumpty to the chess piece who bows to her "I leave her in your capable wings Solem!"  she adds as Absolem flies over "why thank you!"  Absolem replies with a touch of sarcasm in his tone as he rolls his eyes at her Chitose chuckles then kisses his cheek making the butterfly blush then she jogs off through the small door back to the task she was meant to carry out.... "there was a great storm we ventured out into the Tulgey Woods to investigate Svajonė, Hatter, Tarrance, Chitose, Stayne, Thackery, Mally and myself.... Hatter was perfectly Hatterish.... until.... that blue paper hat.... somehow put him in mind.... of his families tragedy slain by the Jabberwocky on Horuvendush day.... many years ago.... Svajonė tried to calm him but to no avail...."  Bayard explains Alice had no idea who Tarrance was but it was as though she could see them all skipping through the woods together Hatter and Bayard playing fetch as Chitose and Svajonė entertain a young boy Stayne staying the knight that he is kept a close watch on everyone while continuing with the search it was when Hatter went to go get the stick he and Bayard were playing with that everything changed sensing Hatter's distress Svajonė walked over to him and tried to comfort him whilst making a promise "we will find them Tare.... I swear it!"  Svajonė whispers softly into his ear as she gives him a hug Hatter closes his eyes and hugs her back wrapping one arm around her and placing his head upon her shoulder as he did so his nose breathing in her soft, familiar, comforting scent.... "if anything could bring the Hatter back it would be seeing you again"   the White Queen tells Alice "where is Svajonė!?!... shouldn't she be the one to....!?!"  Alice starts "she's off keeping her promise..... her Chitose, Tarrance and Stayne went in search of those that are no longer of this world.... as though to appease him.... they all went in search of the Hatter's family"  Bayard tells her sadly.... when Alice went to see Hatter she found that he believed that Svajonė and his son.... who she never knew he had.... left him he seemed most relieved when she told him that Svajonė was actually searching for his family.... though she had no proof just the word of a friend who told her so.... then he became angry when unlike Svajonė she didn't believe him and would not try to help bring his family home....

****Toomalie Day****

Alice met a younger version of Hatter and Svajonė in a memory of them in the market they were standing side by side Svajonė's arm looped through his Alice walks over to them and grips Hatter's shoulder saying "Hatter?"  making him spin around which made Svajonė spin around as Alice says happily as she gives him a hug "it's you! you're you again!"  Svajonė chuckles softly and asks politely "do we know this woman Tarrant!?!.... we must if you let her hug you so freely!.... and Tarrant is always Tarrant even when he's not you silly girl!"  Hatter replies looking over at the still smiling Svajonė his body seemed to sigh at the sight of her smile "I am unsure.... she caught me by surprise"  then he turns to Alice and asks in a slightly deeper voice "have we met?"  Alice replies "yes! well no I mean not yet"  Hatter says "it's funny.... I feel like we should know you"  Alice replies "well we have met once when I was younger"  Hatter says his voice always somewhat deeper when he speaks to Alice but softer when he speaks to Svajonė "well I'm afraid I don't recall do you?"  he looks at Svajonė who shakes her head and replies "younger does mean smaller and we may look like a different version of ourselves when we are that small so perhaps we have and just don't realize it!"  Alice says "oh no.... it hasn't happened yet"  Hatter asks "oh when will it happen?"  Alice replies "years from now when you're older"  Hatter says "we meet you when you're younger and I'm older?"  Alice replies "I realize it doesn't make much sense"  Svajonė says "it's makes perfect sense to us"  Hatter looks at Svajonė with love in his eyes as he smiles at her then he looks back at Alice and introduces himself while holding his hand out for her to shake "I'm Tarrant and this is Svajonė"  Alice grips his hand and shakes it as she says "I know I'm Alice"  Hatter replies as he continues to shake Alice's hand "Alice you seem to have time all mixed up"  Alice replies as they continue to shake hands "he's not mixed up at all actually he's quite angry with me"  Hatter looks at her oddly "not to be rude Miss Alice but we really must be going it's the queen's coronation today and his father will be quite cross with us if we're late!.... I suppose we'll see you when we're older and you're younger"  Svajonė says politely Hatter looks at her with disappointment in his eyes as he says "but.... your hat!"  Svajonė replies with a smile "we have the rest of our lives Tare! you could always make me one later!"  Hatter smiles Alice could tell that he wanted to kiss her and wondered why he didn't as he loops his arm through hers once again and they walk towards the castle Alice follows them Hatter kept picking up random items off of the carts in the market and Svajonė would pay for each thing he took with a smile and a wave towards the man or woman selling them Hatter picked up a flower and handed it over to Svajonė who took it with a smile and kissed his cheek making him blush the woman who was selling the flowers smiled at them and wouldn't take the money offered for the flower he "stole" the woman's body seemed to sigh a "ah young love!" sigh as she watched them walk away.... Hatter half hid behind Svajonė as they walked up to where his family stood within the church "pardon our tardiness your majesties we were in the market.... it's such a beautiful day!.... we lost track of time"  Svajonė says with a curtsy to the king and queen Hatter bows before them they smile at the two of them "my lady's"  she adds curtsying at the two princesses Hatter once again bows this time before the two princesses the princesses smile at them as well then they walk over to where the Hightopp family stand and stand next to Hatter's mother Hatter's father narrows his eyes at the two of them but says nothing it seems Svajonė's apology saved Hatter from his fathers wrath... for now.... "congratulations dear Mirana on your coming of age and now.... the heir the crown for the princess Iracebeth"  the king says once everyone is in their place Hatter turns and picks up a box as the king speaks as though he just realized his true purpose for being there Svajonė opens the box he now holds within his hands with a smile as Hatter's father walks over to his son and scrunches his face darkly at him Svajonė's hands clench into fists as though she was ready to punch the elder man but for Hatter's sake does not do so.... Hatter starts chuckling behind the open lid of the box that held Iracebeth's crown as his father tries to place the tiny thing on her large head "Tare!"  Svajonė says with a soft warning tone "I'm sorry!"  Hatter whispers still trying to hold back his laughter he could see the twinkle in her eyes as she smiles at him he knew that she was just trying to save him from embarrassing himself and his family and he was grateful but he just couldn't help it it was very funny to see his father struggle with such a tiny task....

Svajonė catches the lid of the box before it falls and closes it quietly Hatter smiles at her gratefully as she takes it from him and sets it back down on the small table by the wall beside him "put it on my head! your making me look stupid get on with it! you incompetent imbecile!"  Iracebeth whispers to Zanik Hightopp who was still having trouble with the crown Zanik looks over at Svajonė as though begging her to save HIM as she always has his son but she only shrugs at him with a smile he growls thinking that she was mocking him.... which she probably was.... as he tries to force the crown on the Iracebeth's head it breaks and pieces of it shatter all over the floor making the crowd around them gasp and Hatter starts laughing which makes the crowd laugh "silence!"  Iracebeth shouts as she stands up the crowd and Hatter stop laughing Svajonė who like the rest of the Hightopp's or the royal family never laughed to start with grips Hatter's hand and gave it a light squeeze as Iracebeth continues ranting "the next person who laughs will never laugh again!"  the queen scolds "Iracebeth please! however would you stop people from laughing?"   some woman in the crowd says "put a bag on her head"  which makes the people in the crowd laugh "put a bag on your head!"  Iracebeth says pointing to the woman who spoke making the woman as well as the people in the crowd around her stop laughing as Iracebeth continues pointing at random people in the crowd her voice getting louder and louder with every angry word "put a bag on all of your heads! yes! we'll sow up your lips.... carve your tongues! cut off your ears, off with you! just off, off, off with their.... off with their.....!"  the King stands up and disciplines "Iracebeth enough!"  Iracebeth who was still pointing at people stops and turns to look at her father who was walking over to her and saying "Iracebeth.... I had always hoped.... that you would one day show the necessary qualities to become the queen.... you were born to be.... I realize now that day will never come"  he turns to the crowd and says "people of Witzend.... upon my death.... my crown will pass.... to the Princess Mirana"  both of the princesses look shocked at this news Mirana stands up and says in her soft voice "father no"  Iracebeth adds "but that's not fair! I'm the eldest!"  Svajonė speaks up and says in a soft kind voice as she walks over to the princesses and the king "it isn't about what's fair or who's older it's about who is fit to take care of the land and the people within it!"  Iracebeth turns to her and says with a rude tone "no one asked you!"  Svajonė replies "everyone's entitled to their own opinion your HIGHness! and I'm not going to let the fear of losing my head by your order stop me from giving mine nor will I apologize! and you will go no where near my father!.... yes I was raised by Absolem and because of that the king holds my word at high regard but that's all it is.... "my word"! and my father is much wiser than I.... it is HIS word you should hold at such high esteem not me! mine is but based on my own opinion where as his is based on knowledge and if you go anywhere near my father so help me Icy you WILL regret it!"  the madness within the woman shows clearly as she threatens Iracebeth who looks at her terrified everyone could have sworn there was a hint of pride in Hatter's eyes.... if they were even looking at him that is which they were not..... as he stares at his friend who just happens to be the bravest person he has ever known "you are unfit to rule Iracebeth"  the king says bringing the attention back to him "I hate you"  Iracebeth growls at her speechless sister who she blames for not sticking up for her properly "I hate you all!"  she adds "spoiled royals!"  Svajonė mutters under her breath as she heads back to her spot next to Hatter who smiles at her as he takes her hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze and they watch as Iracebeth's head grows even larger as she growls out the word "all" everyone's eyes widen in shock and they watch as Iracebeth storms away then turns around and starts to say something to Hatter but stops when Svajonė steps in front of him protectively still holding his hand while glaring at Iracebeth and the red headed princess backs away then turns around and continues storming out of the church Mirana does her best to stop her by saying in her soft low voice "Racie"  Iracebeth once again turns around and says "oh don't you "Racie" me! you started it why don't you tell them the truth?"  after a short pause and seeing her sister hang her head low she says "I didn't think so"   then for the last time she turns around and continues on her way saying "no one loves me no one loves me!"  both the queen and Mirana chase after her calling out "Race" "Iracebeth!"  the king follows his wife and children out the guards follow him and the crowd starts to leave the church and get on with their lives

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