Chapter 9 - Once more

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You woke to someone shaking you. 

"Sweetheart get up!" Came Buggy's voice. You opened your eyes and yawned. 

"Why did you fall asleep before doing the dishes?" He asked. You opened your mouth to answer but Mohji stepped in. 

"I told her to sleep Captain. She could barley keep her eyes open. I told her to sleep but now that shes awake..." Mohji said and you stood, knowing what he was going to say and walked into the kitchens with out a word. You started to clean the pots and pans, but soon realized it was harden then you thought. The grease was just spreading, making more of a mess. You let out a silent scream, taking a step back and thought.

"Maybe I need more soap." You said out load to yourself and added more to the sponge. You saw that did the trick but it took you a while to do one pan. You sighed and started one the next one and after a few hours, you had finished. You looked at your hands. The were wrinkled from being in water so much and you felt drained. You sat down and forgot that water did that to you. 

"Impressive Sweetheart." You heard and tilted your head, seeing Buggy.

"C-Captain Buggy." You said and tried to stand but he pushed you down and sat in front of you. 

"I was expecting you to run out and start screaming about how water made you feel tired and it's to hard." Buggy said. You wanted to smile but only frowned. 

"Well sorry for being rich and not a pirate." You snapped, only to sigh and mutter a sorry after. Buggy just laughed. 

"Look, that was a test." He said and stood, not explaining what he meant. 

"Come out when your feeling less drained." He said and left. You watched him leave and looked back at the dishes. You felt proud of yourself. You smiled and stood, almost falling at first but you braced yourself on a wall and walked out once you felt your strength return. You saw Buggy talking with Mohji, who nodded and walked off. You walked up to Buggy, who turned and saw you.

"Ah, Sweetheart. Come with me." HE said and started to walk. You followed him and saw he was leading you back to the cage. 

"Get in." He said. You did and he locked the cage but bent down to your level.

"Listen sweetheart. We are about to make port but you will stay here. You know what i want you to do, right." He said in a threatening manner. You nodded. He smiled. 

"Good." He said and left. You sighed and turned to a bat, listening to the water. You heard the waves, but no sea life. It didn't bother you and you still loved the sound of the water. It soon changed to a roaring waves to softer one, indicating you stopped moving. You turned human and let out a silent sigh. You laid down and relaxed, well as much as you could. You wondered what will happen if you make no sound and they return and came up with different, but outrageous ideas. You couldn't help but smile at some of them. You didn't see how much time had pasted until you saw Buggy again, this time he looked happy. 


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