Chapter 11 - Lost trust.

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You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you finished moping. You dumped the dirty water off the side of the ship and put them away in a small closet. You sighed and looked up at the blue, cloudless sky. A month had pasted since you got your own room and Buggy also told you to learn how to mop. It was difficult at first but now it was easy and you moped twice a day, once in the morning and one at night. You leaned on the railing, a frown on your face. 

It had also been a month since the ship made port. Mohji said they only made port so many times was because they needed to stock up before a long journey but you didn't mind. You did what you were told and because of that, Buggy said you were now a part of the crew. This was what you wanted but he still hasn't removed the bracket from your wrist. You sighed and thought of Buggy again. 

He was a nice pirate, but he was still a pirate and your captor. You wanted to be free and longed to go back home to your family. You bit your lip, thinking of something stupid but crazy enough to work. You walked up to Buggy's room and knocked.

"Enter." You heard and walked in. He was reading a map. He walked up and he put it down. You saw a few places circled and x'ed out. 

"What is it sweetheart?" He asked. You continued to look at the map. 

"That's wrong." You said ignoring his question and pointed to an island. Buggy lifted an eyebrow.  

"Oh, and do tell me how it is wrong. I got this from a marine last month." He said. You moved behind the desk.

"That's why its wrong. Marine's always carry maps with wrong islands or removed islands. That way you get off coarse and are easier to capture. You can tell by this island right here." You said and pointed to one that was circled. 

"That is an island, but it's not what it seems. It's a hidden marine base. Mom and dad took me there once and I was fascinated by the maps. I recognize this one." You finished. Buggy was looking at the map before pulling out an new one. He laid it over the fake map. 

"What about this one." He asked. You looked at it. everything looked right expected one thing.

"It's real, only the coronets are wrong. It's an easy fix but another thing they do to capture pirates" You said. Buggy looked at you. 

"How do you know maps so well?" He asked. You rubbed your arm, afraid to tell him.

"My father. He's the one that draws the maps for the marines, well for the whole Blue sea really. I'm to take over for him." You answered. Buggy let out a laugh. 

"Man we hit the jack pot with you." He said, putting the maps away. 

"But I know that's not why you came here. What is it that you wanted sweetheart?" He asked. You looked down. 

"I wan'ted to know if I could be released back to my family." You asked. You heard him laugh and looked at him. 

"What? And let our new cartographer go. Not a chance sweetheart but good news. You no longer are going to mop the ship and you will be working closely with me now." Buggy said. You started to cry. 

"Hey, that's a good thing." Buggy said. You felt angry at that. 

"No it's not you stupid, red nose pirate! All i want is to go home!" You yelled. Buggy's face feel and the next thing you knew, you felt pain in your arm. You screamed and looked at your right arm's bicep. It was a knife. 

Buggy had stabbed you in the arm. You pulled the knife out with a scream and tried to covered the wound with your hand but Buggy grabbed you there, squeezing it. You let out another scream.

"Don't you dare make fun of my nose. I let you live, give you a room and make you my cartographer." He said, draping you out of his room. Once out, he threw you to the ground and the medic of the ship ran over. 

"Get her patched up and put her back in her cage." He said and turned, leaving you in pain, blood leaking on the deck as the doctor started to wrap the wound.    


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