Chapter 18 - Where do I belong?

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You woke up to see white walls. You blinked a few times before sitting you. Your body was screaming in protest but you ignored it and looked around. you were alone in a nurses room, like the one on a Marine ship. You looked at your hands and realized you were captured by the Marines.

"No." You whispered. Not captured, rescued. You heard the door open and looked. It was Sakazuki. 

"Sasazuki." You said. He smiled and pulled up a chair, sitting by your bed. 

"(y/n). I'm glad to see your awake, but happy to see your still alive." He said. You smiled but his smiled dropped. 

"Tells me what happened after they took you with them." He said. You frowned. Could you betray Buggy after he saved you from Doflamingo? 

"I was kept in a cage. Given little food." You said, turning away from him. You knew it was bad to lie to him, but you couldn't tell him the truth. 

"And with Doflamingo?" He asked. you looked at him and told him everything, leaving the parts about Buggy out. Sasazuki nodded.

"Thank you (y/n). Come, your well enough to go see your parents." He said and helps you stand. You followed him, but your mind wondered back to Buggy. Had he seen Saszuki and kicked you to send you back to them? What about your devil fruit that he wanted? 

"(y/n)!" You heard and looked up, seeing your mom and dad. You ran and hugged them, crying. They held you, asking what happened are you OK and other questions that you ignored. They sat you down and a maid brought you a drink. You took it with a thank you but once you finished it, you stood. 

"(y/n)?" Your mother asked as you stood. 

"I will be right back, just going to wash this." you said and continued to head to the kitchens. You heard them gasp slightly. when you walked into the kitchens you saw the cooks, who looked shocked to see you in there. 

"Miss (y/n), may we help you?" One asked. You shock your head and stared to clean your glass. 

"(y/n)." You heard and turned, seeing Sasazuki. you placed the glass on the drying rack and walked up to him. 

"Yes Sasazuki." You asked. He waved at you to follow him. You did, walking next to him. 

"You didn't spend your time in a cage, did you?" He asked. You stopped dead in your tracks. He stopped and faced you. 

"Your silence tells me you lied. Tell me the truth." He demanded. You sighed. 

"I'm sorry. I was ashamed. They made me do work." You said. It was a slight lie as after a while, you enjoyed working. He nodded. 

"But your no longer with them. Your a young lady, continue to act and be like one." He said sternly and walked off. You knew he meant that nicely, but to you it was an insult. You started to cry. 

'I miss Buggy.' You thought. You walked up to the rail and peered out to the endless ocean. You could turn to a bird and return to Buggy, to your home.

'But I am home.' You thought as the tears continued to fall. You wiped them and turned, seeing your parents. 

"(y/n)." Your mother said. You could hear the sadness in her voice and you could see the sadness in your fathers eyes. You ran and hugged them. You couldn't leave them, not again. 

"I love you." You said and heard them say it back but it wasn't towards them. It was for Buggy and you hoped the wind would carry it across the ocean and let him know. 

From Classy to piracy (Buggy the clown x reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now