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Life. You never know how short it's until it smacks you in the face and you sit back and think that could have been me. How many times have I done exactly the same thing, and nothing has happened. Why them, why now. Whether it be your mother, your cousin, your neighbour, or the person you pass in the street. It could have been you. We live life running towards the finish line, but what is the finish line, death, the afterlife, we will never know. We spend our lives wanting to be older, as children wanting to be teenagers as teenagers wanting to be adults and as adults wanting to be retired or married. Stop running. Start to enjoy every day as it comes. Life is way too short to be running towards your future, what ever it may be, sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses and remember how to have fun. Live your life one day at a time, you may only have one more.

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