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He was tired... So fucking tired.
Tired of being the one blamed.
Tried of being called useless, goofball, replacement and ect.

He was so god damn tired.

Allura was rambling about how useless he has been in the last mission... and everyone agree... well except for hunk who was scared of the look at lances face...

"Do you have any idea how important that mission was lance? You just ruin it... we told you not to make a move... and what did you do? YOU MAKE A MOVE... were you this useless when you were back on earth with that stupid school of yours?..."

"Allura you're---"

"Shish hunk... she's telling the truth."

Hunks eyes leave pidge and move to lance with pleading in his eyes... lance just looks away and brushes his teeth together. 

"I even doubt your family is going to miss you... despite how annoying you are..."

That was it... That single sentence destroyed all the walls lance has made around himself... Hunk looked scared and angry at the same time...


Everyone star at lance in shock... he just told the princess to shut up...

"Shut up Allura! I don't care you are a princess... I don't care you you are a magical alian... You say these things like we have been friends for 10000 years... you know why i make a move?? Because there was a family down there... and i could clearly see that all of them were going to die if no one get yo them... I thought voltrons one priority was to protect families and people?...  and i even put the blue lion on auto pilot so she can do the things you told me to do while i save that family..."

Allura opened her mouth to speak but lance didn't let her...

"Is any of us in this room is injured? You know that family i saved was the royal family of that planet? I think you should be thankful that i save them and I was the one who made them agree to the alliances... stop leaving in the past Allura... The past won't give you anything good... Except for information sometimes... You all think i'm a useless pilot? An annoying kid? A boy who goffs around? Haven't you heard the famous sentence that says 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'? You really think i don't understand pidge and shiro??? Or keith or even hunk?? I was born in cuba... that country haven't seen peace in years... My family got attacked... I lost my sister and brother in that attack... the most close ones to me of all 7 of us... I got kidnapped for three weeks... I still have nightmares of that and I was only 8... My family in that time has gotten to America in that time... and i live almost 2 years in streets until they found me... I never saw my brother and sister again... ever"

Lance was shaking... his tears running down his face at the memories but he wasn't even blinking... he was just staring at Alluras eyes... Hunk was on his side tring to comfort him while tge others were at shock and have tears on their eyes...

"This wasn't even half of my life... Do you want to know the rest?..."


"why i was a useless pilot back at garrison??"


"Why i use face maskes and listen to music?? Why i want to flirt with every allien?"

"LANCE" Hunk grabs lance and pulls him hard on his hugs... knowing very well lance was about to have a panic attack... one of his worse... So he tried his hard to calm lance down by whispering in his ears... until lance could breath normally...

Lance looked at Allura.

"Don't judge us when you know NOTHING about us... Even being a god damn princess won't give you the right."

And by that he leaves the room... having hunk not far behind...

"You knew about this?" Allura looked at hunk.

"Of course i knew... I was his roommate in garrison... He wasn't lying about having nightmares about that 3 weeks... he was only 8 and you have no idea what they have done to him... and they were humans who didn't have magic like haggar... Earth is so much different than Altea princess...  and not to mention it has been 10000 years... it is defently different from what you read at your book those years ago..."

And with that hunk leaves the confuse and guilty team behind...

Half an hour later... Pidge was the first who ran out of the door calling lances name and reapiting her sorries... keith and shiro soon following her...

The princess still shock at the things lance said... and she thought she was the most injured one who lost her parents and her palent... I mean they were bad... but what lance got through... at that young age.... was worse....

Two days later... Allura was on Lances door with a box of her stuff... she takea a deep breath and knocks... The door swipes open and lances body is shown in front of her eyes....

"Lance... I am so sorry about what happened... you were right... I should not judge you when i know nothing about you, except the cover your showing... I am so sorry..."

"My sister Astrella, The one was lost, Always told me... 'Forgiving someone diesn't mean your weak... it means you are stronger than those words you heard...' She talked in British language actually... like you... She had some American accent too..." Lance chuckles at the memory.

"I forgive you the moment hunk helped me calm down... I actually understand you in some way... what i did was risky... and I'm sorry too..."

Allura smiles... she had lost her family... her planet... GOD gave her another... even tho they are so much different from each other... She wants to keep them safe... No matter what...

"What do you say all 7 of us have a SPA day?"

"I though you never ask"

And lances smile... couldn't get any more brighter.

Okay so i know this is a little shitty but i was reading langst stories when i just had it... i remember all the times lance was crying or was blamed for no reason in the show...

I know lance only has two sister and brother... but i thought making him one more sister and brother would fire things up... XD

Hope you enjoy💙💚

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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