Chapter Twelve

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"And then he left?" I sat on the grass in Kakariko Village, staring at the flickering flames of a fire. The other three Champions were circled around the fire, listening to me tell the story of what had happened to Link the night before. Urbosa was particularly rattled; she had treated Link like a little brother all her life.

"Unbelievable." Urbosa growled. "Where did he even hear what happened?

Did he even ask you about what happened? Who does the King think he is?"

"Yeah, it's like he thinks he's the King or something." Revali replied sarcastically.

Urbosa glared menacingly at Revali for a second, then went back to ranting.

"Regardless of his political status, he should listen to every side of the story."

"We're not just gonna let little guy go into the wild all on his own, are we?" Daruk looked worried.

"There's nothing we can do." I replied regretfully. "If we tried to intervene,

we would only get ourselves into trouble."

"That's true," Urbosa sighed. "But there's got to be something we can do."

"In my opinion," Revali shrugged. "We should just forget about it, and move on."

Everyone gasped. "Excuse me?" Urbosa glowered at the Rito, looking ready to strangle him.

"Revali," Daruk said. "What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying, maybe we'd be better off without him," Revali remarked.

"Shut your beak!" Urbosa yelled. "That's a terrible thing to say, even for you!"

"Urbosa's right," Daruk agreed. "Without Link, we're just a sad bunch of cuccos."

"That's what drives me insane," Revali rolled his eyes. "We're perfectly fine without some stuck-up leader."

I thought it was crazy that Revali was calling somebody stuck-up, but I stayed silent, not wanting to get involved in the argument. Just thinking about Link made me want to cry.

"Oh, shut up, Revali." Urbosa scowled. "You know Link is special. He's the sword's chosen one."

"Not anymore, he's not." Revali smirked.

That was the last straw. "You don't know anything about Link!" I exclaimed, standing up and storming off to the inn. I felt tears welling in my eyes, and heard the champions arguing behind me.

"Great job, Urbosa," Revali said. "You made her mad."

"I made her mad?" Urbosa yelled. "Why, you spineless little-"

I closed the door of the Inn and walked up to my room, flopping down onto my bed. I sobbed miserably, until there was a knock on my door.

"Mipha, are you in there?" I heard Daruk say.

"Honey, we're here to help." Urbosa said.

"Come in." I rubbed my eyes, sitting up on my bed.

The door opened and the two Champions walked in, looking at me with sorrow. "You okay, sweetie?" Urbosa walked up to me, Daruk following behind.

I nodded, holding back tears.

"It's okay," Urbosa soothed. "Let it all out."

I glanced embarrassedly at Daruk.

"Daruk, would you step out for a minute?" Urbosa asked. "We need to have a girl talk."

"Oh, sure," Daruk quickly exited the room, looking relieved to be out of the drama.

"Okay, now tell me." Urbosa turned back to me.

I burst out in sobs. "I miss him so much." I started. "I miss him, and I'm so scared that he's out all alone. He could be hurt, or scared, and all alone in the wild. I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to him."

Urbosa took me in her arms and I sobbed into her shoulder.

"I love him, Urbosa. I love him, and now he's gone!"

Tears poured out of my eyes like waterfalls, and Urbosa comfortingly embraced me.

"It'll be okay." She assured me. "He's not gone forever. I promise. We'll get him back."

I knew I shouldn't be so worried. Link could fend for himself in the wild, right? Urbosa promised over and over that we would find him again, and that he wasn't gone forever.

But... what if he already is?

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